I was softmodding my xbox and i ran into a problem i formatted all the harddrives so then i got error 21. So i thought no big deal just make a slayer disc, and it worked., but then i thought ill screw around so i ftp my xbox deleted al1 the files except backup in c. Now i get error 13 and i cant load the slayer disc. I dont have live either. Is there anyway to fix this without doing something that is complicated. And i cant take apart my pc. Please Help me ill be in your graditude plaease.
If you have your C: drive, and your eeprom from the xbox backed up the quickest and easiest way to do this is to download xboxhdm 1.9 and build the hdd over again. Its not very complicated but you do have to open your pc and your xbox.
well, i guess i could try, but i might need some more help later. thanx for all ur help and thax for the tutorials.
My parents wont let me open up my pc, is there anything else i can do and i already opened my xbox. an i went over a friends house and we both tried using xbox hdm and we connected the xbox HDD the right way. We then pressed boot: 2 and at the end it said panic and somthing about a file called init and that it was not found. What was i doing wrong and how do i fix it? Thank You in Advance
What do you mean "pressed boot"? Have you got your eeprom? If so, use the HDD Upgrade tutorial! If you don't have your eeprom, you'll need to Hotswap. There is a tutorial and video for that too in my tutorial section!
I wouldn't even own a copy of Millennium, it's that bad... I'd suggest you use the 'XboxHDM Hotswap' idea if you weren't already doing it. (I'm assuming you are) Here's a new tutorial I just wrote... http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/548462
Ok so my friend hotswapped and it worked except his harddrive is still unlocked what should he do... and umm for my xbox do i need a eeprom for hotswapping or no can i just use xbox hdm or recovery disc. Will my harddrive be good as new or do i need the eeprom to make that happen. where is the eeprom located? Please Reply Soon;D
Ok so I turn on my xbox get error 16 instead of 13 and so I hotswap perfect I used xbox HDM it worked and it did everything It was supposed to but when I put it in the xbox it still said error 16 help what do i do help.
I dont understand your tutorials, there to complicated for me. Do you think you could write a tutorial just for me. I noits a lot of time and effort but i would be in your graditude. How do I fix error 16.
Well I still hav not fixed my xbox yet. But i was wondering if I could use my friends eeprom since I dont have mine. If this is possible how do I use it to find my HHD password and how do I use it fix error 16. Please reply.
I'm sorry, but if you can't follow the tutorial I provided, I suggeest that you leave your Xbox, PC and anything electrical WELL alone!