XBOX Error Codes Explained- Go Here First!

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by deezp1, Jul 14, 2005.

  1. cakes227

    cakes227 Guest

    @ shawty

    your friends hd wont do crap for you because it is locked to a different eeprom, you will have to get hotswap to work, install a chip, or get/make an eeprom reader.
  2. anaemia

    anaemia Member

    May 1, 2007
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    Hello, i have a xbox v1.6, softmodded with xbmc installed from Aid v4.02 disc.

    Anyway, i was looking through some of the programs that came with it and i accidently unlocked the hdd with configmagic!

    So now everytime i switch my xbox on i get an error 05 screen and it doesn't go past it.

    I have the eeprom backed up, but it is on the not working hdd.

    I have tried connecting my xbox hd to the primary ide and booting up xbhdm, then running xbrowser, i can see the eeprom file in the UDATA folder, but i cannot back it up to anything. I have tried putting in a floppy, but i don't know where the floppy directory will be (there is a floppy directory, but when i copy files onto it, it doesn't show up on the floppy)

    Another thing, i made a bootable floppy with ATAPWD.EXE, HDLOCK.EXE & HDUNLOCK.EXE. I ran ATAPWD.EXE and it says the drive is frozen. How would i unfreeze the drive? OR fix my 05 error.

    Will there be a way doing it without a modchip.

  3. shawty

    shawty Member

    Aug 5, 2005
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    ok cakes227, i will do an eeprom reader o rhotswap, but i've tried hotswapping with no success, i'm sure it's something i did wrong but i have no one to help me, how do i hotswap, i tried searching around in afterdawn but most o f the links are down, even this one is sometimes down, and i don't have a clue of how to make an eeprom reader, imadeburned the linux iso from make win bat into a cd, but when i unplug all my hdd and connect the xbox one, it does nothing, and then a screen that says there is an error with system32 config file appears, but last time that screen appeared my pc broke, can you post me a link to make the eeprom reader?,please help im willing to do either one (exept modchip)
  4. cakes227

    cakes227 Guest

  5. shawty

    shawty Member

    Aug 5, 2005
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    ok i'm posotive that hotswap will work, but i read in the guide that the microsoft logo needs to appear, but i can´t find a way to do that, maybe with a file burned to a dvd or certain game, or trying to boot into a different error code, i read 13, 14, 20 & 21 are easier
  6. shawty

    shawty Member

    Aug 5, 2005
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    ok i'm posotive that hotswap will work, but i read in the guide that the microsoft logo needs to appear, but i can´t find a way to do that, maybe with a file burned to a dvd or certain game, or trying to boot into a different error code, i read 13, 14, 20 & 21 are easier
  7. punwisp

    punwisp Member

    Jul 2, 2007
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    hello, im having trouble with my fathers xbox, a while back he bought it from a guy who modified it, and from reading some of this you guys prob know what im talking about, it played very well for quite a while until my nephew decided he wanted to tweak with it, so he pressed buttons he didnt know what meant(or did) my step brother said he couldnt get it to work, and this summer it worked for me, but now after playing farcry i get error message

    [09] Oops! something is wrong
    -error message code error

    5-9 HDD error
    10-12 DvD error
    13 Dashboard could not be launched
    14 generic dashboard specific error
    16 dashboard files/settings
    20 dashboard ws launched
    21 generic unspecified error

    thats what i got.... i dont know alot of the meanings so please explain in english lol i really dont know much about fixing xbox

    so saying something like
    (try unplugging the hdd into Dvd then blah blah blah, please english and simple. my dad bought this alot an dis our only system... and we dont have spair parts... i already opened it and those error message thingies u guys explained dont mean anything to me(as in i dont understand them) and doesnt help.... so can you guys please help me?

    also when it loads i here a click, click every maybe 10 seconds

    so if all this si bad does this mean my dad has to buy a new xbox?

    please reply this is very important! also i didnt have time to read 7 pages...
  8. shawty

    shawty Member

    Aug 5, 2005
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    ok rae07's post here
    is what has helped me the most, i got to launch xboxhdm and all that, but the problem is my pc wont recognize the xbox hdd, i even tried connecting it directly to the pc in order to use xplorer 360 but at the screen that says hit f1 to run setup and f12 to boot from the network, a message says "secondary master disk error", no matter if i connect it to primary, master, slave, or anything, the same error keeps popping up, how can i get rid of this error?
    also, i read you can build an xbox hdd from scratch with xboxhdm, i have a blank one that i could use, but how do i do it, i think maybe if i load the ms dash and evox, making it load before the ms dash, i wont need the eeprom, then i can go to ms dash from evox, set the clock, remove the hdd, put the original one in, boot the xbox with splinter cell in it, (as i read error 13 can load games), then go to linux and activate a partial ftp
    would anything mentioned work?
  9. cakes227

    cakes227 Guest

    you cant use a hard drive on a softmod without the eeprom on it, but you say it can load games? then just put in your game you softmoded with and load the installer and ftp to it to get the eeprom amd either use ftp to fix what needs to be fixed or use xboxhdm to create a hard drive from scratch.
  10. shawty

    shawty Member

    Aug 5, 2005
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    ok makybe i didn't explain myself, i have error 16, can't load games, i meant that if i could turn it into 13 by installing another hdd and logging into ms dash (from evox), then i could set the clock, but foget about it, know i know i cant load another hdd without eeprom, so my only option is hotswap or installing the hdd directly, but as i told you, when i connect the xbox hdd, an error that says secondary, master, primary, slave, or whatever i place it to be, says to have an error and boot directly into windows without recognizing it, this is the only thing keeping me from doing it.
  11. cakes227

    cakes227 Guest

    oh ok, you could try going into your pc setup at startup when you have your xbox hd hooked up and going to ide settings or whatever and press detect ide devices or whatever and see if it shows up, if you can't manage to do a hotswap you will have to go with the eeprom reader or chip.
  12. shawty

    shawty Member

    Aug 5, 2005
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    ok i'll try that
  13. ipits

    ipits Member

    Jun 26, 2007
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    hey ..... does anyone know if it matters what you name the files they tell you that are not appropriate...
  14. shawty

    shawty Member

    Aug 5, 2005
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    ok, tried everything and decided i will install a modchip (though i didnt want to), i read the best one is duox 2 (hyundai) or somethin like that, is there a posibility it wont fix my error 16?, also, before getting error 16 i had error 13, will that also be fixed?, if duox isn't the best one, which one should i buy?, i read aladdin is one of the top ones, where can i find a tut on how to install it (what to solderize, where to, etc...)?
    can i remove it later and still be able to have a softmod only?
    ok too many q's for now
  15. A_Skater

    A_Skater Member

    Jul 10, 2007
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    Hey guys, I've got a pretty serious problem. I modded my xbox about 2 years ago by installing the Spider chip, EvoX+Avalaunch, and a 200Gb hard drive. Now, after years of incredible joy, I've received the Error 05.

    Here's the thing, the Spider Chip tends to come with an on/off switch, but some kids ripped that out from my xbox about a year ago. Luckily, the chip was left on the on position, so ever since I've been playing with it on.

    Now, I've got the Error 05 (aka HDD is unlocked). I've tried putting in the EvoX DVD in, but it won't even boot that far. I get the error immediately after the xbox animation finishes (It does not say Microsoft in the bottom after it's done). Help?
  16. punwisp

    punwisp Member

    Jul 2, 2007
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    ive been waiting quite a while for someone to answer my question, its just maybe a few pages back
  17. chunkhead

    chunkhead Regular member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    @ punwisp

    Error 9 isn't very common, but if your HDD is clicking, I'd say it's either dead or on the verge!

    Chances are though that you have a modchipped Xbox. Open it up and remove the DVD and HDD. Underneath you should see the chip. You'll see it, it looks like it doesn't belong (Lots of wires).

    If that's the case, Get any PC IDE HDD and replace the Xbox one. You then need to get a Slayers Boot Disc and format the HDD whilst in the Xbox!

    All should be well!
  18. punwisp

    punwisp Member

    Jul 2, 2007
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    "PC IDE HDD"
    english please.... remember i have no clue what your talking about XD
  19. chunkhead

    chunkhead Regular member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    PC = Personal Computer

    IDE = Integrated Drive Electronics (The flat gray cable that connects drives, you need this type of drive instead of a SATA drive.)


    HDD = Hard Disk Drive
  20. shawty

    shawty Member

    Aug 5, 2005
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    plz somebody, i got only till friday to make a decision!

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