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XBOX Error Codes Explained- Go Here First!

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by deezp1, Jul 14, 2005.

  1. deezp1

    deezp1 Regular member

    Jul 30, 2003
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    it is possible if you formatted the HDD then you could of totally wiped out the entire HDD. if this is the case you are going to have to reinstall everything over again. most good auto-installer will do this easily for you
  2. cbruce

    cbruce Member

    Aug 17, 2005
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    ok i have a question, whats the point of unlocking your harddrive?
    Does that mean you use another harddrive or what? im not the smartest, please help thnx alot!
  3. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Whilst your sig is quite entertaining, it's also too large for the forums so let's pare it down a bit ;)
  4. deezp1

    deezp1 Regular member

    Jul 30, 2003
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    When you upgrade your hard disk drive for one that is larger, you most of the times use a new hard drive that you bought in the shop. Now, when you put this hdd in your xbox and you try to boot up with your chip off. It gives you error 5. Why you ask? Well i will try to explain it simple.

    The original (also called "Retail") hard drive is locked by MS. Why did they lock the harddrive?

    Well if it wasn't it wouldve been more than easy (in the start of xbox hacking)
    for hackers to change content on it. Thats why MS locks it. It is just a security measure.

    This locking proces uses information thats on the motherboard. The "Lock" on a xbox hard drive contains information that is based on the harddrive itself and the motherboard it came with.
  5. xboxdevil

    xboxdevil Guest

    people should read this instead of asking in another thread what error 21 and error 13 means.this might be helpful.
  6. deezp1

    deezp1 Regular member

    Jul 30, 2003
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    That was my intention when I originally posted this thread, but I guess some people do not learn ;)
  7. cbruce

    cbruce Member

    Aug 17, 2005
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    Ok, i tried to make the picture go away but it doesnt go away!hmmm
    is this better?
    Thanks, but if i unlock my harddrive now and keep that same harddrive in there will it still work? thanks
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2005
  8. deezp1

    deezp1 Regular member

    Jul 30, 2003
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    If your xbox is modded yes, but if not then no. The locking is only necessary if your booting your xbox to the M$ dashboard or your are using xbox live.

    btw, why dont you get some kind of picture editor and reduce the size and resolution. I had to do the same with my sig, worked like a charm.
  9. finp

    finp Member

    May 10, 2005
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    hi ppl im planin on buyin an xbox and when you turn it on allit says is "hello 09" im not sure if this is an error code or not and on the list of errors it says hard did is tht same as hdd
    thnx fin
  10. finp

    finp Member

    May 10, 2005
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    also can i put an original hdd in a different mthrbrd

    basicaly i have an xbox all fully working except the motherboard i put sum solder down for a DO point then i ripped it off and it took some tiny wires with it so im plani on buyin 1 off ebay unless ne1 wonts 2 buy it
  11. hunkre

    hunkre Guest

    i got error 13 this is what i did i went to xbox it has been giving me error 21 for a while then i finnally got my unleash x dash back and well i ftp back to it i ftp'ed my c folder and overwrote everything i think the eeprom is stored in the c folder but i dont know so i have the exact copy of the eeprom from befor poblem my system is softmodded i got so lucky as to have after it screwed up have it boot again so good question time what will fix this what game updates the dash and how?
  12. xboxgirl

    xboxgirl Member

    Sep 30, 2005
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    I'm new to the site and basically most of what is being discussed here as well. I have a xbox that is not modded and the case has never been opened. However, one day when i pressed the power on, the green light around the eject button flashed fom green to red. I turned it off and rebooted it and it worked fine. The problem continued to occur but more and more frequently as time passed. I never did see any error codes or messages for me to call customer service. Now my xbox wont boot up at all and the light just flashes from green to red, and the power cuts in and out while doing this. I have played burnt CD's, and have used cheat codes for GTA:san. I doubt that either of those things could have caused the problem but I am not sure. I would really appreciate it if someone could tell me what is wrong with my xbox and/or how to fix it.
  13. raub19

    raub19 Member

    Sep 30, 2005
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    My xbox is not moded and it s still in its original setup. I got error 16 at startup since we lost power for a day. I rented a game with xbox live on it and i tried to boot with it with no success. I was hoping to get connected to xbox live and correct the clock setting.
    I would be grateful if you can tell me what s the best solution for this problem. I downloaded Evolutionx M8plus bios and I wondered if it s going to solve the problem without changing the original setup. Should I just burn the M8plus bin into a dvd and boot with it? Thank you in advance
  14. deezp1

    deezp1 Regular member

    Jul 30, 2003
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    WOW! Im gone a couple days and I get bombarded with questions! Im Glad that everyone is finding use for this thread!

    Sorry, but I have never heard of that error code.

    read this below, it is from the error code 5

    If you are NOT planning on modding your xbox, then you should look for someone selling the Motherboard with the Hard drive, but if you are planning to mod, the buying the hdd is not neccesary. it is possible to do a hardisk unlock/lock on the fly, but I dont know how to do this.

    most likely if you ftp'ed everything to the c drive (im assuming that is where you are booting your xbox from), then you didnt overwrite the eeprom unless a different eeprom was included in the overwrite.

    if you want to update the m$ dashboard, you can do one of two things. get your hands on an auto-installer like slayers and simply update the evox dashboard (easiest and best way) or you can boot a game with xbox live and run xbox live and it should automatically udate the ms dashboard (I haven't tested this, but I heard it works. There is a possibility you could be banned from Live though, so I would only recomend doing this if you dont plan to use live). A third option is if you have the Star Wars Trilogy DVDs, load up the extras disk in your xbox and try to play the Star Wars Battlefront Demo. it will automatically update your dashboard.

    One thing on UnleashX: If you can somehow get the UnleashX dashboard to boot and you have games stored on your hdd, you can use the file explorer to update your M$ dashboard. just explore to one of the game folders and there should be a file called "updatedash.xbe" Click it and it should updated the dashboard.

    Hello and Welcome to Afterdawn

    the flashing red and green is called a FRAG, this is a very common error with moddified xboxes, but this is usually caused by an mod-chip that is unalligned chip, but this is not the case for you since your chip is not modded.
    That would not damage the xbox, but to me it seems as if the xbox is simply dying. Is your xbox fairly old? Sometimes it could be a bad connection. When you boot it up does anything happen? does it at least try to boot up or does it immediately start flashing?

    Because your xbox has not been modified, I would recommend to talk to the people at http://www.xbox.com they might better server you for your problem. Im not in anyway trying to dodge your problem, but I can help you fix it, but it [bold]MAY[/bold] involve voiding your warrantee.

    Are you sure it is not modded? The reason why I ask is because when you modify a xbox you have the change the default excutable file in order run a hacked dashboard like EvolutionX or UnleashX, so if there was a power failure and your clock is reset, upon the next time you boot up it will try to boot the default dashboard, but if you are running some type of mod it wont find it. do you kinda understand? In other words, with an unmoddified xbox, it should boot to the xbox dashboard (the green screen with the orb) and ask you to reset the clock. btw, Xbox live does not do the time change it is the internal computer of the xbox that does this.

    Now does ANYTHING happen when you boot the xbox, does it light up or you get no power whatsoever?

    This is only necessary if your box is modded.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2005
  15. finp

    finp Member

    May 10, 2005
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    but when it hello then a numbeer is that a error code
  16. raub19

    raub19 Member

    Sep 30, 2005
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    I am 100% sure that my xbox is not moded. It does start and it powers up as well. U can see the xbox splash screen with sound as well. It kind of waits for a moment looking for something and then it shows the screen with the error 16 and the message your xbox requires service. Please call customer service..." Which I did and they asked for $80 to fix it. Other things, I noticed is I can open and eject the disc tray with no problem. Also, a GREEN for half a sec then RED Flashing.
    Thank you
  17. xyron

    xyron Guest

    if i have a warrenty on my xbox, and if i have error 13 can i take it back to where i got it from and get it repaired or should i go to a modder and get it repaired. and if im able to do it my self, can you tell me how, im a noob to all this modding.
  18. xyron

    xyron Guest

    or can a modchip fix the problem?
  19. deezp1

    deezp1 Regular member

    Jul 30, 2003
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    if it is an error code and it is an error code 9, then what basically is happening is that you have a bad connection from your motherboard to your hdd.

    btw, why where you messing with the D0 spot, there is no need to mess with it unless you are doing some type of modding?

    OK, Now we are getting somewhere. Now Im sure if you try to boot a game you are going to get the same error code because the xbox looks for the clock settings before the game is allowed to boot. What I am thinking is that maybe when you had your power outage somehow the xbox got fried in some way and currupted your dashboard. It is just a thought, but that is all that I can think of because it is almost near impossible to mess with the dashboard file without moddifing the xbox.

    That flashing red and green is part of the error code system as well, so this only happens when there is an error with the xbox.
    WOW, that is steep!
    If you don't mind openning your xbox you can do it for cheaper (and it is pretty easy. there are many online stores that sell xbox motherboards and hard drives because you would need both to fix the problem. it is up to you.

    if your warrentee is still valid, then by all means go and get your xbox replaced, so dont open up the xbox because if you do you void the warrentee.

    Honestly, modding can fix almost anything, but in your case where you have not yet modded your box and it is still under warrentee, then I would not use the modding route unless you have to or you plan to mod your box eventually. Even then, I would still want to get it fixed through M$ first anyway because why should you try to mod something that is not working properly in the first place? you might as well mod a machine that is already in good shape. ;)
  20. xyron

    xyron Guest

    i have a soft mod on before all that happened!
    i acedently pressed format E: and now every things deleted!

    how and where do i put dvd2xbox.rar ( i downloaded it frm somwhere)
    where do all the files belong(i have got my FTP connection),which drive should i put them on?

    thx for helping me! :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2005

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