XBOX Error Codes Explained- Go Here First!

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by deezp1, Jul 14, 2005.

  1. VllGnome

    VllGnome Guest

    Thanks, I should be able to do it now. One other question- with a modchip, can you be banned from xbox live completely? Or, like when I soft modded, in halo 2, I was only banned from matchmaking. Do you know if I'll be banned from live or just matchmaking, or a way not to get banned? I don't want to mod during matchmaking, I just want to be able to still play ranked. If I can, I'm going to get a second hdd to store the unmodded versions of all my files...
  2. tane2005

    tane2005 Guest

    what is error 16
  3. deezp1

    deezp1 Regular member

    Jul 30, 2003
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    Yes and no.

    If you happen to try to get on XBL with your chip turned on, then yes. most chips now have an external switch, but that doesnt mean you cant get banned. what most people forget to Lock their HDD before going on XBL, so even with the chip turned off, if you forget to lock the hdd you can get banned.

    UMM, did you read the guide? it is listed there and the fix for it
  4. scryed

    scryed Guest

    If I turn My chip off how do I turn it back on?
  5. deezp1

    deezp1 Regular member

    Jul 30, 2003
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    most can do it through an external switch or within the bios
  6. Unknown4

    Unknown4 Regular member

    Sep 18, 2005
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    Hi, I have a problem. I modded my xbox with a softmod, but i guess something went wrong because error 16 appears. It can't even read games. I tried to do what ur solution said but i couldnt because you say that I have to put a friends hdd in my messed up xbox and boot up with my modchip on. Just one problem, i dont have a modchip!, my friend does have a modchip but not me. Please help me on how to fix this. Thanks.
  7. glump

    glump Member

    Apr 25, 2006
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    I reset the Xbox using the controller yesterday and it died, now when
    I press the on switch the light goes green for a approx 1-2 secs and
    then dies. the box will switch on when the eject button is pushed but the light goes red and a whole lot of asian writing appears it shows the 05 error as well.
    any ideas why it wont turn on when the power button is pushed.
  8. llcccc

    llcccc Guest

    Hi !
    I have a Xbox V1.6 with Broken Motherboard And I go Ebay and buy new one But It give me an error code 16 After flash bios. I am lucky found this room And follow the code 16 part with no luck . I really need some more help try to fix the Xbox

    Note : The Eject Flashing Red & Green

    Thanks for yous help

  9. patelrk3

    patelrk3 Member

    May 7, 2006
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    Recently i tried to softmod a v1.6 xbox. I used mech assault's gamesave that was availible to install and back up the dash. Then i ran slayers 2.6 and backed up the eproom and unlocked the hard drive without the ethernet cable plugged in. I was about to flash into the box and it required me to reboot and get an ip address. This is now causing error 5. Is there a way i can lock the hard drive back, because it wont let me even load a disk. Or do i need to get a mod chip. Any advise will be usefull. Also can i still flash ftp into the xbox while the error is displayed. so that i may get the eprom file. And is it possible to extract format and replace that harddrive in the box, or even replace the hard drive in my box and restore the ms dash so that i may try to soft mod again.
  10. pbjohnson

    pbjohnson Member

    Apr 13, 2006
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    My hard drive just crashed. About 2 days ago, I got an error 13 from dashboard mis-installation, so I was going through the steps to fix it, It played real games just fine a day ago, but when i tried to take things apart, ready to hotswap the drive, I started the xbox, now nothing...get an error message now when there's a real game in the drive. Is there anything I can do to save it, or is it dead?
    Last edited: May 16, 2006
  11. jrod1280

    jrod1280 Guest

    Recently installed X3 CE on XBOX (version 1.1-1.3)

    Well, I recently installed the X3 CE chip on my xbox. I researched just about everything about the chip for a solid three months. When I tried the quick/long/dual press everything worked fine. On the TV one could see the FlashBIOS 3.0.1. screen with the 5 different options.

    Question 1: Does this mean that the hardware installation was a success, or might something still have gone wrong?

    Next, I burned a CD with X3 Bios Build 3288 LFRAME BETA and another file to take up some space. That is, I made an iso image of 3288 and then included an ABC.DAT 150 mb file on the disk to be burned. By the way, my external switch was set to on-on-off-off-off (from top to bottom). I then saw the FLASHING XECUTER screen (with the green/yellow bar) and my XBOX subsequently shut off automatically. At this point I thought everything would work perfectly, afterall everything I had read suggested this was normal. Then, when I turned the XBOX on, it booted twice (with the green light) and then started to FRAG (flash red and green). This is where I am at this point, extremely discouraged.

    Question 2: Did I flash the wrong bios or what went wrong?

    Question 3: Is my XBOX ready for the graveyard (sure hope not)?

    Question 4: How can I fix this problem, if it can actually be remedied?

    Just thought I'd mention, I can play original XBOX games when the chip is turned off.

    I greatly appreciate any help I can get. While I did read a great deal of articles about XBOX modding, I am no more than a novice at this. I also hope you'll pardon the length of this message, but I figured that more information might help diagnose the problem.
  12. topherjie

    topherjie Member

    May 21, 2006
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    can somebody help me how to fix my xbox v1.6!!!! i use amd duox3 chip to modify it, but after a month it suddenly mess up!!!!! when i turning on my xbox i cant see any video flashing on my screen, but i can still here a sound.i replace my av cord but still same problem occcured. please help me................................
  13. ukcrook

    ukcrook Member

    May 26, 2006
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    I have read almost all the threads and I still can't fix my xbox
    Here is my situation:

    my xbox started to give me a error 16 ( no dashboard) message
    I borrowed a modded xbox and tried the xbox HDD swape after unlocking the HDD and it didn't work. I also tried to get a new gmae (mlb 2k7) to update the dashboard but nothing. I also tried to get a new HDD and tried to load with a Slayer CD. I also tried to unlock my orignial error 16 HDD through my friends xbox but nothing has worked. Please help me with this problem
  14. jrlampkin

    jrlampkin Member

    May 30, 2006
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    does any one know what the problem is 4 green and red flashing with an error message but no numbers. I have never done any modding on it or anything like that my xbox is a 1.0 if that helps at all. Sry if this is an obvious question.
  15. Cookie187

    Cookie187 Member

    Jun 4, 2006
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    not long after i modded my xbox (led's in controller ports and cathode fan + cathode under jewel), i've had to have a few goes at getting it to start up. my brother was havin a go at it a while ago, n got a few error 07's then heaps of error 21's. he eventually got it working, but it froze in an online halo 2 game for about 15-20 seconds then started running perfectly fine again then froze again. this freezing up has only just started though... i get the flashin green/red light and both error 07 and error 21... so i'm thinking it's the hard drive, but i'm also thinking maybe it's the cathodes drawing to much power from the hard drive or something? but i've seen xbox's with alot more stuff in them drawing alot more power than mine would be... i told my brother that i reckon it's the hard drive, and he says yeah it's probably too full (we have over 50 games + soundtracks on it), so could that be true? (i haven't yet seen an xbox that doesn't just say that it's perfectly empty in the memory page)... i really don't wanna do any soft-mod's and i'd rather not install any chips... my first thought was add an external switch for the cathodes, but i thought i'd ask you before i wasted any time opening if it wouldn't get me anyway, cause i'm doing half-yearly's at the moment and don't need to be wasting time... so do you have any idea what my problem is? what do i do?
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2006
  16. cearel

    cearel Guest

    hey i have error 6 but my hard drive is in the original xbox i flashed it with a eeprom that was on my x3(stupid stupid stupid)plz help
  17. jkl

    jkl Regular member

    Jan 27, 2006
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    ok i need 2 know did i kill m xbox??? here's the symptoms: one u turn it on and it gets to the logo screen but no farther. 2 the led on the front starts blinking red orange and green. 3the sudden inability to play has thrown me into deep depresion.:(
  18. slymer53

    slymer53 Member

    Jul 6, 2006
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    Hi I recently softmodded my xbox using sid4 and the splintercell exploit. Every thing was going well for about 3 weeks. I installed xbmc and found it very useful everything worked until I powered down. I the powered down my box and the original ms dash showed up with the clock needing to be set. I set the clock and it then went on to the ms dash then jumped to the evox dash. then I was able to load xbmc as an app. once again I decided that I wanted to power down to make sure everything was working properly. when I turned back on the xbox it did the same thing again with the clock but this time after setting the clock it went to the ms dash and stayed there. now here is the tricky part the box can still play burned games. If I try to use the sid 4 installer it goes to the unleashX dash but won't let me install it. The first window says shadow c/eeprom "first you will go to the virtual setup mnu. follow the steps and you will automatically be directed to the softmod installation menu. Proceed?" I select yes to continue and then gives me this error message "failure" "batch process failed. the last item was action: rename". and btw I can still ftp into my xbox while in unleashx so I can still modify the files on my xbox. Now I know that it's trying to create the shadowc file and the eeprom the files are still there so i think that might be the problem but I don't know how to restore my original ms dash so that I can try to install the softmod again can anyone help me. I'm not sure if that's all of the info you need but if you need more feel free to ask away thank you in advance to anyone who can help.

  19. deezp1

    deezp1 Regular member

    Jul 30, 2003
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    Wow, that is odd. I never heard of anything, but at the same time Im not too familar with softmodding. I did all of my mods with chips. I would consult the forums at xbox-scene, they have a thread dedicated to softmodding.

    Good luck
  20. Cookie187

    Cookie187 Member

    Jun 4, 2006
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    r u gonna help me at all?

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