Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by pleashelp, Nov 10, 2004.

  1. dougr944

    dougr944 Member

    Nov 27, 2004
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    Which BIOS did you guys use?
  2. 147789

    147789 Guest

    i used x2 bios
  3. Bomber_UK

    Bomber_UK Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    I actually used 2 different bios (d'oh) in fact I used the Evolution bios with dhcp, and i also tried the cromwell 1.8.
  4. Tumashi

    Tumashi Member

    Dec 21, 2004
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    I recently used 2.6 lit solderless install on my Xbox and after spending three hours getting D0 pin to locate properly all worked well. Since however I moved the xbox and dumped it at the top of one of my cupboards and this dislodged the chip.

    The reason you get the red/green flash is because the main xecutor chip is coming loose because the screw that you tightended it to the main board is not holding all the pins into place. Lst night I spent an hour playing around with mine in pieces and the only way I can currently get it to work is by resting the dvd drive nad hard disk outside the case and then puching the chip into place. Once I try to replace all the components it just buggers up again and doesn't work properly.

    I think I am going to try drilling through the case to put a bolt through rather than the screw fixing so that I can get better connection by tightening a bolt.

    Alternatively I will go for the solder option and use this method. Unfortunately I threw all my wires away when I got it working the first time :eek:(

    My screw fitting just spins around now as I have obiously over tightened it. bugger...
  5. Bomber_UK

    Bomber_UK Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    that is actually helpful, even though the solderless adapter does not work with 1.6 xboxes, i will try and go back and re-solder all the points. I may even try get hold of a voltmeter to check the connections, I will let you know how I get on!
  6. electwire

    electwire Member

    Oct 22, 2004
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    Bomber_UK - what is ur prob ith your box im pretty good with the 1.6 mods write back i might be able to help you
  7. dougr944

    dougr944 Member

    Nov 27, 2004
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    electwire, don't bother reading up 1/2 a screen please. You might see bomberman say this:

    I just chipped my v1.6 xbox with Execute 2.6 chip.
    Everything was going fine until i tried to flash the
    bios. I used the executer dhcp bios 1MB and now the
    darn thing is doing that boot/shutdown then flashes
    green/red cycle.

    Neither of you guys (bomberman and 147789) indicate that you really know which X2 or Evox BIOS you're really using. The version can be pretty important. In particular, Bomberman, I wanted to know from you because you stated that you used a 1MB BIOS on an X2. X2 BIOSes are 256K, X3 BIOSes are 1MB. Sounds like the wrong BIOS, but I haven't seen it implicitly stated that it won't work. Generally speaking, new platform drivers aren't backwards compatible.

    Tumashi, do you honestly think that the screw problem is applicable to everybody in here having frag issues? I never have used the solderless install and MJ696969 didn't either. Same problem. It's not like there was a lot of text to cover to figure that out.

    For me, it was always the LPC connection. Same problem as the loose screw but very different scenarios.

    Currently, my favorite solution to this problem is a pin-header install with a Xenium ICE. My 2nd favorite is the pin-header install with the Xecutor.

    I have not modded 1.6b, only 1.1, 1.5, and 1.6a. Pertaining to the differences in the mod, take what I say with a grain of salt.

    I make multiple D0 connections when I first install the chips. Once, I connected them in parallel, other times I just leave an extra wire routed from the bottom D0 in case I need it. Contrary to what logic would dictate, I have better luck with the top D0 point.

    I believe that problems with new installs fragging are caused by LPC, D0, and the BIOS, in that (rough) order of popularity.
  8. shuukuroo

    shuukuroo Member

    Dec 23, 2004
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    I recently installed a X-bit 1.5 and adapter onto a 1.6 version. I am only getting 3 start up attempts and FRAG. I took the xbit out and still the same function. I don’t know what to do. I decided to install the newest spider mod chip, it is currently installed but I am still getting 3 start up attempts and then the FRAG. Can I get some definitive guidance? I no longer get the original dashboard. I get nothing. I am so lost with all the info I gathered. I don’t know where to do to clean up this mess. I may not really know where the D0 points are and what purpose they serve. Yea in fact i don't. Can some tell me specifically where those are located on the 1.6 xbox.
  9. Bomber_UK

    Bomber_UK Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    dougr944, thanks for the reply. I did install a 512Kb Cromwell first of all (thinking it should work even if it did not allow me to muck about with dashboards etc).

    So, What I am coming to the conclusion of is that I flashed with the wrong bios and my soldering is ok.

    Problem is now, I cannot flash it again as neither banks will boot. So what am I to do? Is there an application I can boot from cd to flash the bios on the chip, or do I have to seek out a chip programmer to fix it?

    More importantly, I hope you are going to tell me that its the bios and not the soldering that is at fault, as it did boot into the flashbios on either bank before i updated the bios.
  10. electwire

    electwire Member

    Oct 22, 2004
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    I had that same prob with my 1.6 flash it with 1493 this will work good for you... about the flashing issuse on Xecuters site foums u will get the help you need form support good luck
  11. BigAzn

    BigAzn Member

    Dec 21, 2004
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    I'm getting the three blinks as well. i have a 1.0 box and a xecuter 3. i think i might just have probs with solder pts but i also need to know if i can resolder this piece b/c i broke it off and if it makes any difference i boot up

    thx for any help
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2004
  12. Tumashi

    Tumashi Member

    Dec 21, 2004
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    Hi dougr944

    Did I say everybody was using solderless install - NO
    Did I say everyboy was having th same problem - NO

    Did I pass this information on so that it gave people information on my experience on what was happiening with my machine - YES.

    The information prrovided was purely relating to the connections not being reliable and therefore giving the error seen.

    If you don't think it is useful for your problem then fine don't bother reading it but otherr people who do have this setup may find it useful....

  13. coldd

    coldd Member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    I had this same problem happen to me today. I'm using a xenium ice solderless, and it's been working great up until recently. I manually soldered the d0 point with another wire to ensure it wouldn't come undone. It was working fine for about 2 months and today it's giving me the 3 boots and red/green flash.

    I tried then to disable the mod chip and it boots up fine it seems, but it hangs on the xenium splash screen. It displays my HDD properties and says no MBR found, after about a minute of flashing orange, it turns solid red.

    Could my motherboard have been damaged somehow even though it's been working flawlessly for 2 months?
  14. llongtheD

    llongtheD Guest

    bomberuk, you need to use a bios compatible with a version 1.6 xbox like one of the evox m8 bios', depending on weather or not your box is a 1.6, or a 1.6b. Or I believe you could also use the new x3 bios, but you should check with xecuter on that. The cromwell bios is just a legal linux based bios and you will not be able to load a dash like evox from that.
  15. dougr944

    dougr944 Member

    Nov 27, 2004
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    Tumashi, if you read your post, you say this:

    "The reason you get the red/green flash is because the main xecutor chip is coming loose because the screw that you tightended it to the main board is not holding all the pins into place."

    You say that without defining and audience. You SAID THAT TO EVERYBODY.

    Would you like to revise your bullshit statement?
  16. dougr944

    dougr944 Member

    Nov 27, 2004
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    Bomber_UK, I think your problem is the BIOS..... however, afaik, you're out of luck. :(

    Contact the Xecutor folks and see if I'm correct though. Since you have no Cromwell and no way to boot any removable media, I can't see a way to get around your problem without replacing the chip.

    Since I've been gone so long, I hope you're already found a solution! Let me know!
  17. dougr944

    dougr944 Member

    Nov 27, 2004
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    coldd, a lot of people have had problems with solderless mods coming loose. It was a big problem a year ago, but they've become much better.

    I never have done a solderless for that reason, but I know a handful of people that have never had solderless problems and only 2 that have had solderless mods come loose.

    If you haven't already, just check the LPC connection and see if that helps. If it doesn't, check D0.

    I don't think your motherboard is damaged if you haven't been mucking with the xbox internals since the modchip install, but extraneous things could have happened (e.g. voltage spikes unrelated or related to the modchip). It would be an outside case though.

    What confuses me is why your Xenium splash screen tries to come up with the chip disabled. With the chip disabled, the box should boot with whatever is on the TSOP, which would be the MS Xbox BIOS unless you had soft-modded the box as well. Do you have anymore feedback on that?

  18. dougr944

    dougr944 Member

    Nov 27, 2004
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    bigazn, how the hell did you break that off!!! :)

    Were any of the physical electronics on that board damaged?

    With the simple functions of that board, I would assume that the PCB is dual-layer, so it *probably* can be mended if you can follow the traces, uncover them, and bridge the breaks by soldering a short piece of wire across them.
  19. coldd

    coldd Member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    dougr944- I did not have it softmodded before. The only thing I can think of is that I might have corrupted the original bios somehow. I checked the lpc points and the d0 point and I'm 99% sure they are both where they should be. It's almost like the xenium bios has replaced the original one.

    The problem happened right after I backed up a game to the HDD, I went to go play it and then the whole system crashed and that was it.
  20. llongtheD

    llongtheD Guest

    coldd, what bios did you have installed before you started having these probs, and what game were you trying to back up?

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