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xbox flashing red/green

Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by pong3, May 25, 2003.

  1. pong3

    pong3 Guest

    Toploader, i checked out the hard drive and when I turn on the power to the xbox, i can hear a little beep...or a tick-like sound...Is that supposed to happen, because it kinda sounds like that is why is shuts off and turns back on. Thanks for your help.
  2. wongie_jm

    wongie_jm Regular member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    yeah i know what you're talking about, it always make that sound prior to turning off and on and then blinking green and red. So your xbox can't do anything now?
  3. pong3

    pong3 Guest

    No, it doesn't even go to the main screen anymore. I try to turn it on without the chip, but nothing happens. If you know what I can do to fix it, even if it means having to buy a separate piece, please tell.

    TOPLOADER Member

    May 25, 2003
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    dosent the beep meen it can not find a bios to boot from somebody please corect me if i am wrong if that is the case you might have broken the do point track it conects to a track in the middle of the motherboard of the xbox you might need to cleen up the do point and drop a bit of solder in there to reconect it

    my advice realy is to get someone that knows about xboxes to look at it b4 you do any more damage there must be someone in your area even ask a tv repair man someone who knows how to work on circuit boards so they can get a multimeter on to it

    i am too far away from you to help this way but there must be someone who could lend a hand
  5. pong3

    pong3 Guest

    ok thanks, I'll post back up in a few days or so, just to tell you how things went.
  6. redfish1

    redfish1 Member

    May 29, 2003
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    I saw that yousaid that it reboots beeps turns off then reboots and again. I can't remember if it was my xbox or my friends. But i have had the same problem If it was mine it was because I had a bad flash on the Matrix I had to reflash with WinLPC. I will IM my friend and have him plug his in and see if it was his. In that case he has a bad DVD drive. In your case I am with EviLAnGeL if you didn't solder or anything like that and it worked before you put the Matrix in then just make sure everything is put together properly. The yellow dvd cable and the IDE(gray flat cable. Also the Fan but you shouldn't have needed to remove the fan.
  7. Soldier_I

    Soldier_I Member

    May 31, 2003
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    I have had the same problem with my xbox.. I go to turn it on, the eject button light flashes green and attempts to boot 3 times and then flashes red & green. My xbox has been fine with the matrix chip up until the last couple of months, then one day for no reason at all I went to turn it on and it started flashing red & green. It was working fine prior to this (I was playing on it the previous day). At first I kept switching it on and off, then I’d play with the cables at the back and sometimes that will work, lately my last resort is to pick the xbox up and gently shake it, put it back down turn it on and it works (not sure if it is just coincidence that when I shake it, it works but its worked for the last few days.) I get no on screen errors just a blank screen and a speaker pop. If I remove the chip the xbox runs as a normal xbox. I have flashed the chip with 3 different bios’s and have had the same problems.
    It seems worse when its been left switched off for a long period of time (e.g. The first time you go to turn it on in the day).
    My problem is I can’t find the source of the problem and so can’t replace / repair it. I think if the HDD or the Matrix chip is broken then they will not work at all (correct me if I’m wrong) and as I say the problem is intermittent and does not happen all the time. When it’s working it works perfect. I have checked all the connections in my xbox and everything appears to be normal.

    I did get another dvd rom drive cus I over tweaked my Thompson one when I was a bit worse for wear! lol But this problem started a bit later on.

    If anyone has had similar problems or has any info i would really appreciate it.

  8. Cradl3

    Cradl3 Member

    Jul 1, 2003
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    Im having this problem as well and need to figure it out. The reset happens with and without the chip for me.

    Is there anyone out there who has overcome this obstacle?
  9. pong3

    pong3 Guest

    I was talking to someone about the problem and he said that the entire system is messed up. The cost of repairing it would cost just as much as a new one, so I think I'm going to buy another one.
  10. Cradl3

    Cradl3 Member

    Jul 1, 2003
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    Im going to do the same today.

  11. munepuun

    munepuun Member

    Jul 2, 2003
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    Many people seem to have the red/green problem.
    I also have the same problem.
    It boots 2 times, and the 3rd time the eject button flashes red/green. (ONLY WHEN DIPSWITCH 1 IS OFF) When i remove the chip, my x-box works well.
    Anyone a solution.
    I'm going to realign again ;-) maybe it works.
    BTW how determine which version of x-box i have??????

  12. Free_911

    Free_911 Member

    Jun 23, 2003
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    When I was installing the matrix mod chip, I constantly got the red and green flashing at the front with 3 attempts at boot up and no picture at the end. I was never worried because it was just a POST check on all the hardware. If you are familiar with computer hardware (which you should be if you are modding the box yourself), you should know what to look for when trying to get it back to normal. If you just want to get your box up and running again, start from part to part, just like you would to get your computer running. First make sure the IDE cable is plugged in properly into the motherboard. Remove it and put it back in if you are unsure. Next check the DVD-ROM. Make sure the power is plugged in properly and then make sure the IDE is plugged in properly. Make sure the jumpers are set properly as well(I believe it should be set on cable select). You may even want to remove and put back the jumper in to make sure a proper connection is made. Next is to check the hard drive. Check that the power is plugged in properly, the IDE is plugged in properly and that the jumper is in correctly. Next is to power it on. Listen to the hard drive to make sure its getting power. Check to see that the DVD is getting power. If you tried soldering the 15 holes, make sure that the solder is covering just the holes. There are a lot of wires/lines around the holes. You do not want the solder touching any wires/lines ... only the hole(this is very important). If you have soldered in the holes with the solder touching two lines, then you've just created a current that you do not want. So be careful. You can destroy your xbox doing this.

    If you are someone who is having intermittent problems with the matrix where sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't (and you may have resorted to shaking the box to get it to work), its simply an alignment problem with the matrix. Its best to just open up the box, realign the matrix, make sure it boots fine, and tighten the matrix tightly in its place. Also verify the that the solder isn't creating any unnecessary currents (that's if you had to solder... like I did since I own a 1.1 box).
  13. wongie_jm

    wongie_jm Regular member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    all of you!!!! It's an alignment issue!!! Once in awhile it moves out of alignment. just as soldier 1 described it, after he shook it, it moved back into place. The solutions i learned is to get a little bigger screw for the matrix to hold it into place. I stripped my screw so i had to follow the bolt and screw installation guide on xbox scene.

    Now for pong3's prob, i really dont know cuz you've tried re aligning it and it still doesnt work.

  14. Cradl3

    Cradl3 Member

    Jul 1, 2003
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    How is it an alignment issue when the Matrix is not even connected to the board? It does this without the Matrix chip on board.

  15. wongie_jm

    wongie_jm Regular member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    cradl, did you rename the microsoft dashboard to msdash? because once you remove the chip, you're using the original bios and the original bios only searches for the xboxdash which is now msdash.
  16. Soldier_I

    Soldier_I Member

    May 31, 2003
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    This solves the problem - For a while anyway. Get some 'PCB Contact Cleaner / Switch Cleaner', take the chip off and spray the contact points of the chip especially the d0-pin, also clean the points on the xbox pcb where the chip contacts. Re-assemble and it should work alot better... I did this and mine has been fine for the last month.

    Good Luck!
  17. Cradl3

    Cradl3 Member

    Jul 1, 2003
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    Now thats what I call a response. Thanks Soldier, im gonna jump on that trick of the trade.

    pp3ciat3 that
  18. wongie_jm

    wongie_jm Regular member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    cradl, how is it a good response? your problem has nothing to with the contact points on the xbox and the chip, you said it yourself that it reboots even without the chip.

  19. 1800gumby

    1800gumby Member

    Jul 3, 2003
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    this problem has nothing to do with the matrix chip. Im using a dual bios modchip i picked up and have been using it happily for about 2 weeks now. Untill it started doing this red/green flashing my problem is exactly the same as everyone else and i can't seem to fix it.
  20. Cradl3

    Cradl3 Member

    Jul 1, 2003
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    What other options do I have before I go and purchase another today?

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