Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by PWNed100, May 3, 2006.

  1. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    Stop saying we are wrong when you don't know what you ar talking about...........YOU ARE WRONG

    YOu can't direct connect to your computer from your xbox with a regular ehternet cable

    You need a crossover cable to direct connect....
    Only say stuff when you know you are correct

    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2006
  2. cearel

    cearel Guest

    yea thanks tocool
  3. SLAYER05

    SLAYER05 Guest

    banned for a week for pointless scam posts/2month trials etc
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2006
  4. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    SLAYER05 posted that same tripe in another thread. now they say charity begins at home. well i'm at home and i'll treat you to a week off to repent
  5. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    CT826, crossover cable or router not straight cable.
  6. CT826

    CT826 Guest

    im ftping right now with a straight through. WO-O-WG-B-WBL-G-WBR-BR its straight through!
  7. CT826

    CT826 Guest

    if you use Dynamic Host Config Protocol you use a straightthrough.
  8. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    Correct me if i am wrong people....But DHCP isn't directley connecting to your computer.......Static with a crossover cable is direct connect!...

    Trust me to direct connect you need a Crossover cable.....I mean it is in the books like it or not.........
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2006
  9. CT826

    CT826 Guest

    okay well you dont need to do that you can just use dhcp
  10. ElNacho

    ElNacho Member

    May 23, 2006
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    Ahhh too much technical mumbo jumbo!

    OK All I have is an ethernet cord, so I guess Im gonna have to do this DHCP thing, so could someone explain to me how!?!?!

    And if no one can, can someone tell me what exactly a crossover cable is and how much it costs? And can I get it at best buy?
  11. cearel

    cearel Guest

    a crossover is just a system link cable
  12. ElNacho

    ElNacho Member

    May 23, 2006
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    ohhhhhhhhh.thank you!
  13. cearel

    cearel Guest

  14. CT826

    CT826 Guest

    dont waste your money all you need is the ethernet cable
  15. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    You just don't give up do you............If you want to use an Ethernet Cable then you need a wireless adapter which costs like $40 or $50.......Ok.......If direct then Crossover....If indirect Ethernet
  16. ElNacho

    ElNacho Member

    May 23, 2006
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    ohhh....ok i'll just borrow my friend's system link, but thanks for you're concern of my financial status!
  17. ElNacho

    ElNacho Member

    May 23, 2006
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    I tried connecting my xbox to my computer with a system link but it didn't work. I still can't get an IP address! Can someone please post a mini-tut on how exactly to connect using Flash FXP?
  18. Poisson

    Poisson Member

    May 6, 2006
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    can someone please help me load halo 2 on my xbox off the hard drive
    my xbox is softmodded and I already ftp'd my xbox. I have all of the multiplayer maps and the campaign mode saved to my pc. I put the multiplayer maps, the, the, the fonts folder, and the media folder all under halo 2 in the games section under the E folder on my xbox.

    Halo 2 comes up under games, but when I try and load the game it says that the disk is dirty or damaged. I'm thinking wth because the disk isn't even in the drive.

    I'm totally stuck and I'm a noob at this, so if you can help me please do and assume I know nothing. (EXPLAIN EVEN THE OBVIOUS)
  19. Poisson

    Poisson Member

    May 6, 2006
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    you have to use a crossover cable if you don't have a router.
    I suggest a router because then and only then can you use a regular ethernet cable. (oh and it's just easier)
    anyway, the modem connects to the router and the router connects to your xbox and pc.

    one more thing, make sure you're using the unleashedX dashboard.

    once you get it connected go to start on your computer and then run. type in command and hit enter
    then a black box will come up with some writing in it. type "ipconfig/all" (without quote marks) hit enter.

    write down these things on a sheet of paper:
    1) the ip adress
    2) the subnetmask
    3) the default gateway
    4) the DNS servers (there are two of them)(remember which is first and second)

    go to start and then network and dial-up connections
    double-click on Local area connection and then click properties
    in a white box it should say: internet protocol (TCP/IP)
    the box may already be checked if it isn't check it.
    now highlight the internet protocol (TCP/IP) and click properties
    make sure these two things are both checked:
    1) obtain ipadress automatically
    2) obtain DNS server adresses automatically
    click ok all the way out of the windows and then x the window out

    now download flashfxp from this site:

    turn on your xbox and go to system and then settings.
    click network and the first thing you should see is: current ip adress
    scoll down further and you should see: ip adress
    make sure this ip adress is different from the computer's.
    if it is the same just change the last part (ex. 02 becomes 03)
    these should match your computer:
    1) the ip adress
    2) the subnetmask
    3) the default gateway
    4) the DNS servers (the first is the same as the first on the pc)
    the second is the same as the second on the pc)
    change the static on your xbox to DHCP
    save the settings and reboot your xbox

    now open flashfxp (make sure your xbox is on and connected to the pc)
    click the lightning bolt on the top and in the server or url space type in your xbox's CURRENT IP ADRESS. this is important, make sure it's the current ip adress.

    NOTE: the current ip adress changes every time your reboot your xbox

    under username and password type in xbox (make sure it's in lowercase)
    the port should always be 21
    hit connect

    some folders should pop up. click E, then TDATA then 4d530064, then
    4d53006400000001 or one of the other two depending on which map you want to mod. minimize flashfxp

    create a foler on your computer desktop and title it halo 2
    in the halo 2 folder create a folder titled "backups"

    now maximize flashfxp and on the left side click desktop, then halo 2, then backups. drag all of the maps off the right side (this is your xbox) to the backups folder on the left.
    to get old maps on your pc (ascension, lockout, zanzibar, etc.) go on your xbox and click system the misc. then start ftp (halo 2 must be in your xbox, but don't launch the game)
    under flashfxp you should now see folder D.
    this part is hard so write back for more info. I don't have time to write back more right now.

    here's the tutorial.
    write back if you want to know how to get the mods on your xbox
  20. cearel

    cearel Guest

    thats a pretty good tut they should be able to understand it know or get the picture anyways

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