well i can soft mod it and get it all ready to go in that aspect of it but i barley have any experience with halo modding and such i have all the necessary programs but a, not realy to good at it yet i know beginner techniques and thats about it on the halo modding but as for getting your xbox to where it needs to be so you can have those mods that you want yeah i can do that.
ahh i have no idea i spose i could do that almost any nite after i get off work but not next week im gonna be away from my house for a week but anytime after that and before then end of july cuz thats when i leave for school. so when ever you think you are ready to have it done within those time periods. and whatever you are willing to pay is cool with me. just pm me and i can give you my email and adress or whatever if thats what you want to do
lol everyone wants to mod halo now. @heedhelp things u need to mod halo: Soft modded xbox Ftp Program DotHalo Old or new maps via the FTP for one u need a soft or hard modded xbox, the halo 2 or just halo game has to be on ur hard drive (makes it easier). next u need a DotHalo tool (search around for it, google.com) next u need to PM me because the rest i cant say on here... dude really all u need to do is switch the weap metas with say like rocketlauncher meta over to the pistol meta and bam it shoots rockets lol its that hard.
i can. but u can prolly find it more of a help if u went to youtube.com and searched for halo mod tutorials or something like that and they should have like a video about it on how to do things and wat not. also search around. now adays theres tones of sites that have toturals for modding halo. u cant be lazy. u have to look.
lol good idea im mean cough cough hey if you want to work something out we can im not going to rip you off pm me and ill give you some personal info or whatever
@viz ignore it. im guessing ur patching ur .map files with ppfomatic or something. when ur ready to path it and it says "ok u can burn it to a cd" or w.e. just press ok and ignore it. ur patch is now created. now go back to the file u have ur maps on ur computer and upload them onto ur xbox threw the ftp program. im pretty sure thats wat u were wondering... right? lol