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Xenium Ice,DuoX 2

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by dellsuck, Jul 15, 2005.

  1. dellsuck

    dellsuck Guest

    What is the diffence between them? Because i'm thinking of getting a modchip.
  2. PimpDawg

    PimpDawg Guest

    Well, they are basically the same, besides a few extra parts you get w/ the Xenium, and you can do a solderless install w/ a Xenium. Also, the blue DuoX 2 modchips come flashed with X2 4981 on bank 0 and Evox M8 V16 on bank 1, so you do not need to worry about flashing it.

    Here is a comparison:

    [bold]Xenium Ice[/bold]
    - Plays every Import and Backup Game from any region.
    - Plays all homebrew (emulators, media player, mp3, divx.....)
    - Multiple install method, Quick-solder, pin header (supplied), wire
    - Dual SPI port for unlimited future add-ons (LCD, ext LED, memory etc)
    - Full color Status/Bank LED (no more Live banning!)
    - Hardware protected Emergency Recovery System (ERS). (No reason to ever remove chip for a bad firmware update)
    - Inbuilt Flash system. No more need for direct connection to computer (No more troublesome LPT or USB programmers)
    - D0 Control. (switch to on board bios and go live safely )
    - Small compact design with no complicated forced extras for the unit to function.
    - External, dimmable, multifunction, full color, ultra bright LED
    - USB adaptor
    - Anti Clone Technology
    - Full microkernel OS, developed by OzXodus to be a complete and legal environment specifically tailored to the modder's needs

    [bold]DuoX 2[/bold]
    - One chip for v1-v1.6 Xbox
    - Very easy to disable mod for Xbox Live
    - LED blinks when it is in operation
    - Dual bios feature ( 2 x 512KB)
    - 9 solder points + 2 wire Installation or LPC port rebuild + 2 wire
    - Plays original imports
    - Plays Backups of originals
    - Plays unsigned code
    - Run Debug Executables
    - No-patch hack 1
    - No-patch hack 2
    - IGR (dependent on bank selected)
    - Eject trick hack
    - DVD Reset
    - EvoX HDD Patch
    - Support for HDD greater than 137+gigs. (F + G drive)
    - Auto detect EvoX Dashboard
    - Compatible with all versions XBox (V1.0-V1.6, Europe, USA, Japan)

    I am a huge of DuoX 2 chips, as they are cheap and very reliable. If you do not have any experience soldering, I would look into getting a solderless adapter. Also, look into Xecuter 3 chips as they are very good chips as well.

    You can learn more about these chips here:

  3. dellsuck

    dellsuck Guest

    Ok i'm still confused... On xenium ice it says it Plays every Import and Backup Game from any region is that mean duox 2 can't? Also xenium ice Plays all homebrew well how many can duox2 play? I don't care about instailling because i have someone who's going to do it.Thanks pimpdawg for helping me out.
  4. PimpDawg

    PimpDawg Guest

    DuoX 2 also plays all region games and can read all homebrew things. I would say just go for the DuoX 2 from this site,

  5. dellsuck

    dellsuck Guest

    Thanks PimpDawg.
  6. PimpDawg

    PimpDawg Guest

    No problem buddy! Let me know if you have any more questions about the chip...
  7. dellsuck

    dellsuck Guest

    I do have one more question. When i want to play xbox live,Does the chip disable by itself? I'm also going to add a hardrive, so when i play xbox live will the chip lock the hardrive so i can play xbox live?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2005
  8. PimpDawg

    PimpDawg Guest

    Well, with the DuoX 2 chip, all you have to do if you want to disable the chip is press the eject button when powering on your Xbox. If you have created an account on your original HD already, then you will NOT be able to go online w/ your upgraded HD. If you have not, then you can play on your upgraded HD, just make sure you lock the HD down. If you want to look more into this, search google or xbox-scene for the "marriage theory".
  9. dellsuck

    dellsuck Guest

    So if i creat xbox live on to new xbox hardrive and disable the chip,will i be able to play xbox live? can i play xbox live with the games that's in the hardrive?
  10. PimpDawg

    PimpDawg Guest

    Well, just look what I wrote above,

    "If you have created an account on your original HD already, then you will NOT be able to go online w/ your upgraded HD. If you have not, then you can play on your upgraded HD, just make sure you lock the HD down."

    You can only play Xbox live w/ the actual game discs, not burned one's, but real.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2005
  11. dellsuck

    dellsuck Guest

    Cool. Thanks.
  12. PimpDawg

    PimpDawg Guest

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