stupid xored trainer launcher is acting up again...i click on the halo 2 trainer then enable never die then click start and my xbox freezes....what do i do...should i delete xored and then re ftp it back into my xbox
just something changing my dash right now to unleash x thought you would like to know...but do you have any idea why xored is freezing up on me
steimy i just read something that was saying that everyone is having trouble getting onto xbc using the trainers dont work....and thats the problem with mine...i can't use the trainers on xbc they dont you know how to like patch them or make them let me use them on xbc they work in split screen but not in system link
lmao yea its like mods on xbox live you have to be host...i hope you arent speaking of cheating and it wouldnt be smart to change dashes if you dont know what your doing and from the sounds of you dont, idhate for you to have a thread saying how you screwed up changing dashes and asking for help
yeah, that is one thing i refuse to help people with is cheating online. That is just wrong. It ruins the game for everyone which is why the online systems are starting to ban the use of them, complains from too many online gamers. So you had XBC running while you were loading these trainers? and when you did not it worked? I hated starting a game and having some guy with cheats showing up in the room on Xlink Kai who had a never die cheat or something. I played Painkiller and this guy just stood there while i blew the heck out of him from behind. It just ruins the game. You just need to play until you get good, sure you'll get your butt whooped for a while at first but you can still have fun learning. If you run on east coast time and need practice look up the gamer tag steimy (what else) Although i rarely use my online, and when i do i have only used Xlink Kai. i do have XBC as well. And Halo 2 I am willing to practice weekends if your willing to learn to play without cheating.
ok ill stop cheating online...but anyway i can't get xlink kai to work???? do you have any suggestions...when i start it up it starts up and then says i need to do port forwarding and port forwarding is really confusing and im not that you help aim sn is ba11er4l1fe2010 im gonna be on that for the rest of the night just talk to me and help me figure it out please
ZhenYevan, check your PM I do not have an AIM sigh on, I never use it. But i PM'ed you info on how to get a hold of me tonight via MSN and i can try and help. There is also a good site and some people are usually around at night, and sometimes in the day. they have a shoutbox so if people are there who know you can get help in real time.
i have xored came with the compiled version of xbmc i had gotten which was compiled in past october. i bring up the trainers menu i have the h2 trainer for 1.1 and for some reason the game will load and everything, but the hacks just dont seem to work in multiplayer. help plz????