Hi - I had ForceASPI17 loaded on my computer - I downloaded ForceASPI1.8 as you suggested and loaded. I ran the aspich.exe file and received the following message: Adaptec ASPI Windows NT This utility has checked your current ASPI installation. Version information and the operational status of ASPI are listed below. WNASPI32.DLL Version: 4.712 (0) Date: 07/17/2 Size: 45056 WINASPI.DLL Version: N/A Date: N/A Size: N/A ASPI32.SYS Version: 4.712 (0) Date: 07/17/2 Size: 16877 WOWPOST.EXE Version: N/A Date: N/A Size: N/A ASPI is not properly installed. One or more components have been replaced with older versions of the software. I checked it yesterday and it said that it was installed properly. Do you know what might have happened? Do I need to un-install anything before doing this - can I un-install and re-try this again? My DVD burner is slaved with my hard drive as master. I have my CDROM and DVD ROM/Burner together. I have 4 drives in my system. Is having the DVD burner slaved a problem? I have 3.0.4 Xcopy Gold on my system. Thanks flip218
Did you install ForceASPI v1.8? Also I just installed over my existing. And all dll's should read v4.71.2 This is the recommendation they gave: Also having your burner on the same cable as your HD is not good. take off your cdrom, make your dvd burner the master, and make your dvd/cdrw the slave.
I did exactly what needed to be done as you have indicated and still received the message I sent you earlier using aspich.exe I dumped 1.8 and re-installed 1.7 and it now says everything is running properly and is fully operational and that a total of two host adapters have been detected. Do I need 1.8? Also, could you explain to me why it is an issue to have the DVD Burner and Hard Drive together - I am just interested in knowing. So you are saying to completely disable my CDROM from future use? I need to go out for a couple of hours but will return to check the forum and to look at doing your suggestions. Thanks flip218.
I have connected my DVD Burner as master and the DVDROM as slave. I have tried on three occasions to run Xcopy Xpress and I continue to get the "Program error...." I am completely baffled with this. Any other ideas that I maybe should try. Thanks.
Hello Whitey n FLip. Iv'e been keeping an eye on the events here and would like to offer some suggestions. I'll try not and go over anything thats been covered. 1st. WHitey, Need your systems specs. How large and much [bold]FREE HDD space[/bold] on the [bold]partion that the 321 temp file is mapped to[/bold]. How much RAM,the processor type & speed,ie;Pentium 3 or 4,Celeron,AMD. 2nd Dont install over a previously installed copy. I'll give unistall instructions later. 3rd. Be certain that the ASPI layer is installed properly, if not I'll send a different set of instructions for that. We will start with this onfo to get started. We will get you up and running. Thanks for your patience!!
Thanks 321sucker. Pentium 4 1.7 Ghz, 40 gb harddrive (24 Gb free), 256 Ram., DVDRom Drive (slave) and the DVD Burner LG (master). I did not install 3.0.4 DVD Xcopy Gold overtop of 3.0.2 DVD Xcopy Gold (this is what I purchased). When I did the un-installs I made sure to get rid of folders under Program files and to get rid of Xcopy in the registry. I am running ForceASPI17 layer which is runnng fine. I tried to load ForceASPI1.8 but it said it was ot running properly so I dumped it and re-installed 1.7 which is working fine.
Ok, now when u did your steps to uninstall Xcopy did you also empty the recycle bin and reboot twice? No need to clear the registry, but thats ok. And,, what error message,exactly, does Xcopy give? ANd what is the program doing when the error occurs?
The only thing that I did not do is re-boot twice. The error message is "Program Error Xpress.EXE has generated errors & will be closed by Windows. You will need to restart the program. An error log being created." The program then shuts down automatically. When I check the log it does not show any errors - see early message on the error log. The error occurs at different times during the read process - the last time it got all the way to 99% with 8 seconds to go and the error message appeared. I am running Windows 2000 Pro - I don't think I mentioned the O/S to you but I think it is in one of my earlier messages. I should also mention that I am trying to copy a DVD that is 7.5 Gb in size - I don't think that should be a problem since I assume that Xpress is designed to compress DVD over 4.7. Thanks 321sucker.