I would check into the warranty on your drive. BenQ, Lite-On, Pioneer, Plextor($$$), NEC. I own an NEC and BenQ and love them both for different reasons.
For awhile, I thought this would be the victory ending, but no. I replaced my power supply, keeping it at 500w though. I already had an ISO via dvdclone2, and started up IMGBURN with the UDF file system. The dual layer burn worked up to 50%, then failed. I report. Hopefully a happier ending soon.
Been to the Imgburn forum yet? LUK, the author of the program, and crew are pretty good at sorting these problems out..
The NEC 3550a and Pioneer 111 both need a hacked firmware to bitset single-layer +Rs. That said, they are probably the two most favored drives out there, along with the Benq 1650/55, which are no longer made. You can usually them at mwave.com or Fry's or Meritline for around $33 or so, and Tigerdirect may have the 3550a for $20 after rebate. They run that special a lot.