JodiBelle ... I haven't used either Ulead program enough to give a good recommendation. I've only played with them a little at this point. They have a good rep for user friendliness, but Nero has a fine package, and I would suggest trying bigorange's advice first. He's done a lot of this. P90X is a thought ... but I'm kindda partial to the hot chicks. That way if I get tired I can still have a good time wonderin'!!!
@bigorange ... thanks for the info on VHS to DVD. I looked through the NeroVision guide, and from what I gather, it does its thing with MPEG files? So, does this mean that your video card is converting the analog stream to MPEG directly, or does it go to avi as an interim step? BTW, I like your idea for making DVD covers. Along the same lines, I just got an Epson CD printer and a stack of printable G04's ... so now I have my scanner living up to its potential.
Okay, I will try your way Bio. One question though, what is recode? Does it have any compression ability? I want to compress them so I can fit at least 2 per disk. And what you said about the menu was what I wanted (and I read it, I swear). This stuff just confuses the hell out of me. Could you just maybe come over and do it for me? Doc, even if this way works well, I still want to play around with some other more high end things. Almost all of them have free trials to check them out. And I think Tony Horton would be more inspiring than say, Susan Powter. He is for me anyway. I look at all those rippling muscles and... Hey, wait. What was I talking about again? ScubaPete, thanks for trying to help me out, even if you got beat to the punch. You are all a very welcoming group and I appreciate it.
Hey JodiBelle, BTW,You're confused as hell, but you want to try more high end stuff? I like a woman with ambition, You go girlfriend!! lol Recode is a program in Nero Ultra 6. It works exactly like shrink(almost) only maintains menu function after re-authoring. IT is one of my favorite apps and is easy to use with good quality. It will not rip, shrink does, just use decrypter to rip and use those files in recode. Or you can use anydvd and just open recode and do everything from that one program. Good luck.... Doc, ya know thats a good question, I really don't know. But you've piqued my curiosity, I'm gonna have to pursue this more. I'll get back to ya.
Ok, of course I got Nero enterprise.... Off to download Nero Ultra. Hey, what is anydvd? Hey, the best way to learn is trial and error. Some of those can do some really cool things. I want to be a DVD master, someday....
ho ho ho, I thought you would ask that! It bypasses encryption so all you have to do is open your app. Runs in the background, you do absolutely nothing with it. It works all on it's own. It is a ripper of sorts and enables you to burn on the fly, that is without ripping to your HD 1st. There is a 30 day free trial. (I like it better than dvd43 or dvdregion free)
Hi ya JodiBelle, I'm with you, I think the best way to learn this stuff is to jump in with both feet. After a little trial and error you'll get pretty good. I'd even like to see ya stick 'round and help some others. And hey, the big-O will get you through the tough parts til you get there. BTW, if ya haven't 'gathered, he's our resident southern gentleman!!! Here's the AnyDVD site. Well, you've been an inspiration. I'm off to do some workin' out. _X_X_X_X_X_[small][/small]
BigOrange, A Suggestion my friend, why not wipe the slate clean with JodieBelle and give her just a guide for recode2, when she gets that, give her the next guide - That poor gal has taken a bit of everything and mucked it together making herself all cornfussled (da poor kid it's just a suggetion - Pete
lol, you're alright pete. Actually, that's what I was trying to do and the "poor gal" switched horses on me in mid-stream, but here goes: JodiBelle, Here is a quick guide I wrote for someone else that was "cornfrazzled", it's about 3/4 of the page down, holler back after you've tried it and use RW's til you get it down pat, thus no coasters. Pete, is that OK? You da man!!!