hi there creaky good to read you mate - yes been having a time out/off for a break anything new on the dvdr stuff? new apps i should look into etc? give us a few pionters cheers...
we may have seen our first dvd with rip guard there rotary madagascar, other than that about the same ol same ol
hey there aabbccdd oh ripguard ah! is it crackable yet? and what process apps are involved? what is the latest version of anyDVD? is it v5541 ? will this app sort it? cheers....
LOL guys, DVDBck23 is just kidding!!!! and rotary anydvd has been updated to and according to slysoft they think that Madagascar was the first dvd with ripguard and it seems that the lastest verison of anydvd takes care of it fine. used CloneDVD 2 with anydvd on the movie ,came out perfect
Sounds good, i have updated mine to follow by the regulation, but i think this is going to be hard for you and the other mods to regualte Neph
@DVDBack23 - it's very easy to regulate, if there's functionality to auto-limit sigs i mean; i've started reducing my sig but need to find somewhere to keep my links then i'll remove my beloved Memorex links :O @Rotary - lmao
legal huh......... keep telling yourself that Auslander !! wait till i tell the authorities, your there illegally.. then you'll be sorry. @ DVDBack....... sig size huh, well, in the desktop pics threads, i dont think that one will be regulated too much
@ pulsar................................ teehee 1 entry found for pertaining. per·tain Audio pronunciation of "pertaining" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pr-tn) intr.v. per·tained, per·tain·ing, per·tains 1. To have reference; relate: evidence that pertains to the accident. 2. To belong as an adjunct, part, holding, or quality. 3. To be fitting or suitable. [Middle English pertenen, pertainen, from Old French partenir, from Latin pertinre : per-, per- + tenre, to hold; see ten- in Indo-European Roots.] i thought it would have been funny to make a funny !!!