His brother got hold of his computer and said some outlandish stuff in my shoutbox. That got him banned but it wasn't his fault.
@21Q Uhhhh......I think it was a little harder than that.(lol) He even said he threw him out the house.....Don't think that was hard enough.
Well then if I take your place that won't be a problem wouldn't it? You won't be the one who's internet enjoyment will be spoiled, huh?
ddp works the hardest as a mod. but i should be everyone's favourite mod - the epitome of youth, knowledge, friendlieness, intelligence, helpfulness.. plus i'm english
negative.. i had dreams every night for two years of becoming a moderator here. just ask creaky.. i used to PM him 3 times daily, asking, "when's my chance?" then one day a few months back, i woke up and it had come true ^.^ so the moral is, if you want to become a mod, bombard creak with private messages and it will eventually happen. *falls off chair laughing* xD
indeed let's break that one down.. * youth - been there done that, can i have it back now as it's long gone * knowledge - yup, loads of it, so much so that i often misplace chunks of it. something to do with youth being so far in the past * friendlieness - yup, loads of it, i keep an eye on it though, people take advantage if you're too friendly (in real life and online) * intelligence - yup, got a bit of that tucked away, keeps me out of trouble for the most part, but, you guessed it, it gets misplaced sometimes too * helpfulness - yup, bundles of that. however same comments as in the friendliness bit - yup, me too, well mostly English anyways edit- now call me old but i honestly don't remember that. I'll just have to believe you, it'd take too long to go thru all my PM's