in the 4th book in the Wrinkle in Time book series, Many Waters, they take two guys back to Noah's time and Nephilim and Seraphim are there. it's pretty good. lol.
Mine isn't difficult. For the non-programmers here at AD, the first program that you write in any language is the "Hello, World!" program, where you just print the phrase "Hello, World!" to the screen...and that's it. It's sorta like your test program to see if you can even pull that off before you get into the harder stuff. But that's just a forum handle, I typically go by E-MAN. My 5th grade P.E. teacher called me E-MAN, and it just sticked. Here I am, 9 years later, and my friends and online buddies still refer to me as E-MAN. -EMAN
My is hard to guess for most kids, but my signiture gives it away. Try a google of the best tv show of all time and you have mine. andmerr, you have to see the end of Witch hunter robin. An excellent series. Ghost in the shell you must mean the movie. the series isn't done yet. its ok, but nothing great. It might get better latter on. I also watch lots of anime. There used to be a topic thread on that, I don't know were its gone though.
hey prisoner send me your list ,i meant the series the 1st one gets released here next month but isnt ghost in the shell 2 coming out soon. Witch hunter robin is predictable but i did cheat read the synopis of the series at
here in Canada the second ghost in the shell is out, I haven`t seen it yet though, so can`t really comment. I really liked the RoD series, I hope it continues to be ok. What I can remember: Kenshin Samurai X (directors cut) Ghost in the shell Noir Rune solider Trigun Cowboy beebop Vampire hunter D Captain Tylor GTO Elhazard X Jin Roh Read or Die .Hack Sign (first) Others not anime but good: Spawn Samurai Jack Family guy
prisoner, your name is from the tv series The Prisoner during the 60's in england. the lead actor( can't remember name but is english played the warden in Escape from Alcatrez opposite clint eastwood
Patrick McGoohan .... Does that sound / spelled right ?? Mine is a combination of a year, 1972 , of significance in my life and a school I went to......
thats the name. gottcha nic prisoner. mine is the first letter of each word of my name less one initial as it didn't flow smoothly when said
@ prisoner : Do you know how many are in the R.O.D series.The 2nd one is about to be released here, doesnt look to bad.
You got it, the best tv show of all time, The Prisoner. 72morgan, I think you do have the spelling correct. andmerr, I think ROD is 6 dvd`s total. This website is the best for anime DVD releases:
seeing as this is going the direction of anime, what is your favorite of all time? mine is still Cowboy Bebop. that's what turned me onto it in the first place.
I'm mostly an old school anime fan: Crying Freeman Akira Fist of the Northstar Guyver: Bio-Booster Armor Golgo 13 Ninja Scroll Vampire Hunter D Genocyber Ghost in the Shell
I saw Akira for the first time over the summer while i was at a scholar's academy, and it was pretty cool. up on a huge screen, in a mini-movie theater, that movie was a blast to watch!
I liked Akira, when I saw it the first time. But in retro spect not really that great a film. Story could have used more work. I can remeber the really old days of Astro boy and Speed racer. New series are really good, but I don`t like an obious CG, anime mix. Captain Tylor was what really got me into watching anime.
stahw regor delleps drawkcab ?? I thought about using T-80. As a formerly avid dart thrower, a Ton-80 was a good problem to have. It's not cricket, however! ---rdrr As for the Prisoner series? It wasn't the best, it was THE (capital T capital H capital E) best series ever! Secret Agent or 'Secret Agent Man' as some of the really early episodes coined, is a close second in my book. I guess it's pretty obvious that I am a PatricK McGoohan fan as well az a zany charachter myself.... <hahahahaha>