if I had a dollar (or a pound) for every time I thought I would get my way, succeed in the midst of aversity, I wouldn't be a stalker, I'd be stinking bloody RICH!
ahhh... such satisfaction, almost as good as six I am still not a number, though, I am socialy secure, right? oh well... at least I get the kewpie sick?
yea maybe, but a good crazy... no other prisoner buffs? nobody with other ideas to take the thread further?
hey auslander, cover dear kitty's eyes... wouldn't want to "damage the tissue"... reference the Prisoner series, episode "Free for All"
lol, i would, but her eyes are glued to me at the moment. *wink* in fact, i think they will be for the next several hours. *locks bedroom door*
my bologna has a first name, it's O S C A R my bologna has a second name, it's M E Y E R OH, I love to eat it every day... AND if you ask me why I'll say... Cause OSCAR MEYER has a way, with... BOLOGNA
You asked for it! I have to pass on the "shaved" pics since I managed to mangle both nipples while shaving and I just don't feel sexy anymore.