Hi guys, take a look at http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/34/517485 There are warnings there about v3. Do not use any version on a clone box, even so called clone friendly ones. I'm not sure if this is a good idea anymore, but here goes. If you can't find new codes, flash to version 3, wait for it to update the keys, then flash it back to 2.57 or 2.58. This is what I did once or twice, but as I say, I'm not sure it's such a good idea to put v3 on the clone even for a few minutes, as it may slowly damage the box. It has also been said that it may not be the firmware, that the eeproms and power packs are causing problems too. Remember, I am only advising, I can't tell you what to do. Here speaks someone who blew away a clone with v4 in just over 3 hours.
Hi mel07. If you scanned using c*w, then you need the c*w keys, as they are specific to each provider.
Come over to this thread much better over here click on link http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/48/517485#3148087
you will need a pc and you will need a null modem cable from here if you have not got one and if you are using a lap top one of these as well USB Adapter Cable http://www.maplin.co.uk/module.aspx?ModuleNo=29968&DOY=17m6&tabs=n Heres the NULL MODEM CABLE Code L71BT http://www.maplin.co.uk/Search.aspx?criteria=L71BT&DOY=2m6 ou will need to download the loader and the firmware for what box you have you did not say
Can anyone help me.. have a couple of the boxs.. one of them is only scanning in 10 channels but its scanning them in 19 times each. I have reset the factory settings and started again from scratch but again i'm getting the same 10 channels 19 times.. All the other boxs i have are fine.. dublin 16 area ntl network cheers guys..
Strange alright, is it "The Box" and after factory reset it results in the same thing??? What firmware are you using?
4.51 is generally for the UK, but should be OK in Ireland have you thought about reflashing it with 4.50 to see if this makes a difference.
hi guys, was wondering if anyone can help me, i have a starview 1 box and have a problem as from time to time like every 2 minutes my channels stop and its says scrammbled channels for like 10 seconds and then the channel comes back on.