GPUs dont overclock very far, not anything that would show a major difference. The 7300GT does not exist, 7300GS or 7600GT. The 7600GT is good, but the 7300GS certainly isn't. Abit cards are still ATis, but Sapphires are known to be some of the best cards out there. You're comparing to the X600 Pro? The X1600Pro is quite a bit faster, the 7300GS is just a little faster and the 7600GT much faster.
So is the link with leadtek that I showed you have any affiliation with NVIDIA? (Chipsets?) ____ Quote:"You're comparing to the X600 Pro? The X1600Pro is quite a bit faster, the 7300GS is just a little faster and the 7600GT much faster." ______________________________________________________________________ So, from what I understood [from what you said] is that the 7300 GS is just a tiny bit faster than the X600 PRO, and the 7600GT is the equivalent of ATI's SAPHIRE RADEON X1600 PRO, am I right?
the 7600GT is actually an equivalent of ATi's X1600XT, or even maybe the X1800GTO in some instances. The 7300GS is a very budget end card, so I'd avoid that. The X1600Pro doesn't have the muscle to meet the 7600GT very often. with response to Nissan: By all means, but without the X. the X1900XT's pretty much as fast as the XT-X, and a lot cheaper. I have one, and it's excellent. Not for all budgets though! Still, a LOT cheaper than a 7900GTX.
can someone tell me why this thread is not stickied.its just like the intel vs amd thread but just on gpu's instead of cpu's.
@He_Man: No one really "contributed" to this alot (except Sammorris, some others as well but not as much as Sammorris) and no one bothered to make this a sticky. Good point tho, but I don't this thread worthy of being a sticky? It's not a how-to or anything but in the other hand it is like the other thread INTEL VS AMD (which is also not a how-to). P.S. @ sammoris: My "guy" can't get any of the video cards I have mentioned except a X1300 something but I don't want that one!!!!!! Is the MSI NX730DGS better than my X600 PRO?? I will check myself and if I find the answer, I will edit this question out otherwise please answer it..thx P.S. #2 ATI X1300 (not PRO) (256 MB of RAM) $88, ATI X1300 (not PRO) (512 MB of RAM) $109, ATI X1300 PRO (256 MB of RAM) 99$, these cards are better than the ATI X600 PRO, right? What's the difference between all of them? (other than the RAM) Which is the best deal? I most probably will get the $88 one, IF it is better in overall performance compared to the X600 PRO but I just want to know which one is the best deal for knowledge purposes.
Probably not to be honest, I'd stick with your X600 Pro if that's all you can get, the difference will be so slight. This thread hasn't been made a sticky because there isn't really enough activity to warrant it. If a few more members make regular discussion then maybe, but until that happens... I've been away from aD for two days and I return to find just two more posts in this thread... What else can that guy get s3a?
Like I said before, I don't care how slight the performance increase will be as long as it is better. So you were talking about the X1300 ($88) card?
An X1300 would probably be slower, an X1300 Pro would offer the slight difference, but I'm absolutely serious. The difference will be so small you won't notice it. HONEST.
To be honest s3a, sod "your guy" and buy from a proper store. You can get an X1300 for less than that anyway, this much less even But I still wouldn't recommend those. For well under the $100 that guy quoted you for an X1300, you could have one of these:
First of all, I live in Canada...and, I cannot buy online! @ He_man: I am not, not calm...I just put lots of exclamations to show that I want to know something [that might be important]... @ sammorris: What does "sod" mean? I'll just do the waiting trick of selling my current X600 PRO and I'll wait a while (not too long) until prices go down on say, a X1300 PRO, then I'll sell that and wait a lil' and get a X1600 PRO...good idea? I have it all planed out...this is what I will do...on important school times such as exam weeks, etc, I will sell my current (to that time) card and when exams are over (or wtv important thing), I will buy a better gfx card. Clever, right? Note: I WILL have a P3 laptop to "keep me going", and to help me do my homework! I know, I have mentioned this idea of mine before but I have not mentioned that I will sell it when something important (exams for example) arrive, which makes it a much better idea since you (in this case, me) won't be playing games on exam weeks anyway. Now, I am just waiting for summer to be over, so that I can sell my gfx card and who knows maybe some other parts (not RAM)! In other words, I will keep upgrading my PC and NEVER HAVE TO PAY ANYTHING WHATSOEVER!!! Please tell me that that is a good idea?
in a month (the length of time you become consumed by exams), you will not see a significant price drop, and you would not be able to sell your gfx card for that much because it is used. i dont think your plan is the best, but that's just my opinion. you'd have more money in the end if you kept your gfx card, made some money, then put those together than selling, then buying, then selling then buying. your gfx card, at least in my opinion, would not be worth too much atm, but it prob wont go down in price because it'll be a while before dx10 comes out ( at least a few months). but like i said before, that is just how i feel.
Quote:"in a month (the length of time you become consumed by exams), you will not see a significant price drop, and you would not be able to sell your gfx card for that much because it is used. i dont think your plan is the best, but that's just my opinion. you'd have more money in the end if you kept your gfx card, made some money, then put those together than selling, then buying, then selling then buying. your gfx card, at least in my opinion, would not be worth too much atm, but it prob wont go down in price because it'll be a while before dx10 comes out ( at least a few months). but like i said before, that is just how i feel." ____ Sukhvail, your feelings serve you (you misunderstood me). I will sell my gfx card in about 2 weeks (when school starts) and then, whenever a better one comes down to the price that I sold mine for, then I will buy it. In other words, I will sell mine in 2 weeks and by a new one in 2 months (not exactly true but just showing an example for you to understand). I can live without a strong comp when I am not using it! (get my point?) I WILL have my laptop for school, so this "waiting" which I will do every so often will never be a negative thing since, I will make sure that it is the right moment, such as exams.
s3a: You can't buy online? Whyever not? There are plenty of places (admittedly not newegg) that sell things online, and that guy is giving you rubbish prices. "sod" means "forget about, get rid of". I think what you're doing is mad, really. You should really keep the X600 for a while until you can afford to get an X1600 or better in its place, else it really isn't enough of an upgrade. I wouldn't even consider rendering a PC disfunctional to wait for a component to lower in price, you're saving yourself so little. Despite what you might think, you can't get something for nothing. You can get something cheap (ahem, buy online) but not for nothing, you need some capital to keep such an investment going, sukhvail: You've pretty much got it there, a used X600 isn't worth a carrot. A new X1600 Pro is. s3a: well, I can't decide for you, but it's not what I would have done. If you're perfectly happy using the other PC during the wait with no "I want to use the other PC it's better" thoughts, then OK, but you really won't save very much.
I live in Canada, I am a minor, my parents have bad credit, that is why, I cannot buy online. I just got the idea of using my old PCI gfx card while waiting for a new sexy card (X1600 PRO) (for more information go to:!
You can't even get a bank account? As far as I knew, you didn't need a good credit history to have a bank account, only to have a credit card. I've had an account since when I was 16 (i.e. minor) and got a debit card right away which i've used for many an online internet purchase, including some expensive ones! If you can bear a PCI card, then go for it.
Your talk is interesting...I will ask further questions about this bank account stuff. *I am 14 not 16, does that matter? How old are you, sammorris?\ P.S. I can live with a PCI Gfx card for a small while every now and then. How much can I sell my x600 pro without ripping someone off?..and THIS IS EXCLUDING online prices..meaning, comparing my prices to store prices instead of online stores such as newegg.
I'm 18, I think you should be able to have your own account, but that's irrelevant, if your parents are able to help you out, they should have their own bank card, credit history or not. Without ripping someone off? erm probably $50 or so.