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DVD copying of copyright movies.for home use only.?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by JT45, Mar 6, 2008.

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  1. nookie25

    nookie25 Member

    Feb 15, 2008
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    i'm trying to do my homework a little more, but i still need a little help. dvd shrink doesn't work right with vista. was introduced to imgburn by you guys and it works great. just need to get by the copyright and i don't have any money. seeing how most of you guys haven't found that secret thread that pays so well, can you lead me to the freeware section for vista. wish i still had my old computer xp works so much better. thanx again, i know you guys are the best at this.
  2. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    You can burn these to DVD-RWs. What movie are you trying to backup? Use the guides that ZOSO sent you too. Also don't use burn when you mean rip, it can confuse. Burn is for the actually putting the data on the blank. Since you've got the trial for anydvd, close DVDFab(disable it)and use DVD Shrink and burn the DVD after Shrink has done it's thing with Nero or ImgBurn or DVDDecrypter. There is no learning curve for AnyDVD just let the program run in background-If you want it really easy download DVD Clone free trial from Slysoft also and it will shrink the dvd and burn it all in one. Both the free trials are full programs and work just like you paid for them. You could also Buy the DVDFab Platimum program and it will do the same as the 2 slysoft products for a lot less. You need as many programs as you can afford and learn to use them all. Just in case! Now take some time and read the GUIDES before you start another project. How old is your DVD drive? It may have problems. I would think yours is a simple new-user error tho. This is not rocket science and you too will figure it out soon. Good luck. Stick around and have some fun here with the rest of us twisted people! :)


    Dowload DVDFab Decrypter, a free ripper, that'll get by the DRMs.

    Last edited: Mar 9, 2008
  3. JT45

    JT45 Guest

    Hi Nookie-U cant download dvd fab dycrypter anymore they stoped it,the link u took me to was an old forum outdated.???????
  4. SuckRaven

    SuckRaven Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Ever since I went AnyDVD/ImgBurn, to rip and burn, respectively, I have had 0 problems... I rip the entire DVD to my HDD with AnyDVD, and then using build mode with ImgBurn, output the contents of the VIDEO_TS folder to the DVD. By the way, if you want to avoid compression and enjoy the movie in its full resolution, use double layer DVDs. I use Verbatim DVD+R DL. NewEgg.com often has mail in rebates on cake boxes of 20, for around $32.00. May be a little pricey, but avoids having to do the extra step of compression.
  5. nookie25

    nookie25 Member

    Feb 15, 2008
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    thanks guys for your help. what would i do without you. one thing i need to do is start studying your glossary. i've been using the wrong words and confusing people who are trying to help. slowly but surely i'll get it. just ripped and burned my first movie in a long time. it's good to be back. now i don't have to worry about the kids ruining my movies.
  6. nookie25

    nookie25 Member

    Feb 15, 2008
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    JT45 you can still download dvdfab decrypter. garoon has the site on a reply on this thread. i think it's http://www.dvdidle.com/free.htm
    the program works great and it's easy. one step and it does the rest. i have one drive and i didn't have to go back and find files so i could write it on a disc. it remembered everything for me and just told me when to put the disc in. i was done with everything in about twenty-five minutes. good luck
  7. A_Klingon

    A_Klingon Moderator Staff Member

    Dec 29, 2001
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    JT45, you just hang in there! - The first time you are successful, and you get a perfect copy to play on your dvd player, you will know that all your perserverance was worth it. (And it *does* get easier).

    DVDFabDecrypter is simply FABulous! For simple rips of the *entire* disc, the FREE version is entirely A-OK. This program is constantly being updated and improved by it's developers, and doesn't cost a thing. (The free version doesn't have any 21-day time limits or anything like that, and is *always* downloadable).

    Without going into specific details, to be successful, here is what you must do:

    1) - RIP your DVD into a Folder on your hard drive. In other words, make a folder on your hard drive, and tell DVDFabDecrypter to store your DVD there. (Just follow the program's prompts, and fill in the blanks - use your mouse to search for the folder you have made).

    2) - COMPRESS what you have just ripped *down* to a size that will fit onto a single DVD disc blank. This step is necessary because 99% of retail DVDs these days, take up twice the space that is on a simple, inexpensive *single-layer* blank DVD.

    If you can find it (it's out there, trust me), the simple and *free* solution to compressing that DVD folder, is to download a copy of DVDShrink. This program will easily knock-down the BIG DVD-rip that you just made, to a comfortable size. Just be sure to tell DVDShrink to compress down to... "DVD-5" size. (That means, single-layer).

    3) Burn the now-compressed files (which will now reside in a separate folder) onto a new, blank disc.

    I always use NERO for this. (I have never tried to use AnyDVD to burn anything, but I guess that would work fine too). NERO seems to come bundled (free) with just about every cd/dvd burner you buy these days, but you can always download a copy from their website, too.

    THAT'S IT! (Whew!) And that's just _one_ way you can do it. For me, it's about the simplest.

    I understand your reference to blank, re-writeable discs. If you should bugger up <I have many, many times>, you can always just erase the blank disc and start again, thus avoiding wasting a write-once-only disc. You should be able to use rewriteable discs.

    Bear in mind, it will take quite a bit of time to *compress* all those big (ripped) files down to proper (burnable) size - you just have to be patient.

    Trial-&-Error. Trial-&-Error. Learn from your mistakes, (and *don't* be afraid to make them! - It's just part of the learning process. Hang in there, JT - you're gonna DO IT !!!

    -- Klingy --
  8. A_Klingon

    A_Klingon Moderator Staff Member

    Dec 29, 2001
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    That was a *terrific* screen-shot. Thank you for helping JT.

    (She?) is just trying to make a Fair-use back-up of her store-bought dvds so she can prevent the kids from destroying the expensive originals. I see nothing wrong in that.

    -- Mike --
  9. JT45

    JT45 Guest

    Thanks soooo much Klingy I just printed all these instuctions out u typed .I,ll go do this now and get everything downloaded .,I gotta go pick up blank disks also.Can u use DVD RW.I got those now.????It seems like everytime I tried to use those in the past they never worked will they????I want to practice,now.???????Also I have windows XP and 3.20 Gig processer and 3 gigs memery I am set to go as far as comp is concerned and 145 gig Hard D.,?????
  10. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    jt, what make of dvd disks are you burning to such verbatium, memorex(hopefully not) or what?
  11. SuckRaven

    SuckRaven Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Your specs look fine...still curious as to the exact make and model of your DVD burner as well as what firmware it is using...
  12. JT45

    JT45 Guest

    Using Memerex dvdRW.and lightscribe vertbatim.????Any problem with these.???
  13. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    don't use memerox as might not be able to read them after a yr or so.
  14. JT45

    JT45 Guest

    Also My burner is a Lightscribe duel layer and also duel format.Works great on all my other Dvds I record home stuff>?????I/O Magic is the company that makes it.????????????????
  15. ZoSoIV

    ZoSoIV Active member

    Oct 24, 2007
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    JT45 using DVD-RW can be tricky to record 4x max is all they will burn at i would suggest using Verbatim and did you check out my thread with all the software you need and step by step guides? heres the thread once again

  16. JT45

    JT45 Guest

    Ok,Yes I printed all the downloads I will need .I will let u know how everything goes .??Thanks again for everything.......Talk soon.JT
  17. SuckRaven

    SuckRaven Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Ah Yes Memorex...crappy photoreactive dye, usually with CMCMAGX01 Media ID. Memorex discs tend to have a short shelf life. I started the same way. Buy cheap discs. They all store data right? Now some of those movies I burned to Memorex discs are either completely un-viewable, skip, freeze, or suffer from horrible macroblocking. Well sometimes you do get what you pay for. I switched to Verbatim DVD+R DL some 2 years ago, and I have not looked back since. Live and learn I guess.



  18. JT45

    JT45 Guest

    I hear ya..I like the vertimim ones cause I like the lightscribe tecknowledgy.I like lasering my titles right into the disk looks real good and doesn,t wear out. .......JT.Thanks for lettin me know about those disks,I do alot of research and read vidio maker magazine every month i think it is an excellent magazine.i do alot of my own vidios and shooting alot.I love it.......I have some great software that produces nice movies and vidios......JT
  19. A_Klingon

    A_Klingon Moderator Staff Member

    Dec 29, 2001
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    Your computer is just fine, yes. :)

    Unless you need them for something else, I wouldn't bother to run out and buy a bunch of blank discs right away. Certainly, just use your DVD-RW discs. Don't forget to completely erase them first though, or else you won't be able to use them for anything! And keep them clean, & don't scratch 'em up!

    Best bet is to erase one or two of them beforehand (it only takes a few seconds for a 'quick erase'), and keep them on hand 'till you're ready.

    Go slow, there's no rush, you won't hurt anything by making mistakes, ain't nobody gonna know anyway. <ggg>


    Let's take this one-step-at-a-time. First, let's get one of your dvds ripped properly. We're going to use DVDFabHDDecrypter for this. Do you have a copy? If not, you can get it here:


    Get the one that says, "DVDFab HD Decrypter"

    If you already have another earlier copy, you should be OK. And you have to make a Folder on your hard drive to dump the ripped files into. (Can you make a folder? Let me know). I'm not sure how 'basic' I should be with these instructions - we'll just play it by ear. You can name the folder "NEWDVD" or something else that you can easily remember.

    Our object is to get the movie *off* the disc, and *onto* your hard drive.

    We'll stop here, and I'll be back. -- Klingy --

    Last edited: Mar 9, 2008
  20. JT45

    JT45 Guest

    Ur Killin me u are funny and soooo right!!!I have not gone out yet to buy any blanks,I will use these memersucks blank dvds!!!I did erase them ,but i hope they work sooo far i have had no luck on recording with these for some reason the software always ses please insert the right Dvd....i,ll try all the stuff u wrote me on and will get it i hope.i will get right back to u when i do this,I just gotta sit down and focus on this and I,ll get it done hang loose,I,ll get it.i hope i am not buggin u on this cause this stuff can get sooo time consuming???Ok on the side.JT..
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