What are you using, a NULL MODEM lead or a combination of USB and NULL MODEM lead, you need to check that you definately do have a NULL MODEM lead and not a straight through serial lead, they both look very similar, have you used the lead for flashing before, and go to here to compare. >>>>>>>>> http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/674371 EDIT:- Also go to this link after you have compared the leads and you will find a guide by dooby. http://www.freewebs.com/starview-update/
null modem came with the starview and have a usb adapter,could i be missing something regards the file download
Sorry to but in, malci i just wondered heard anything on a Starview 1 fix mate? Hope you get it sorted moh23
Yep you could, now the common problem with the USB adaptor is that it does not get correctly assigned to the correct COMM port and consequently you do not get the job done, but I think in your case that it could be the NULL MODEM lead might not be the correct one, but just check here for dooby's guide and look at it carefully, follow it and then delete the firmware you have on your PC and download it ahain from Eamo's FTA Library before trying again. >>>>>>>>>> http://www.freewebs.com/starview-update/
No sorry DEAN there is nothing at the minute all release's will be posted here when scOuser puts them in to Eamo's FTA Library >>>>>>>>>>>> http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/722659
Give it another go with new firmware. all the suppliers call it simply an RS232 lead, so it might be correct they are not all wrong leads s that are supplied with box's. If you are sure that is, that the Adaptor is correctly assigned to COMM port and you have that same COMM port showing in the loader.