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Hotswap Can Fix Xbox With Error 13, 14, 16, 20 And 21, can reinstate Xbox's HDD To Factory Condition, can also Install/Reinstall Softmod Files. Al...

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by TheReturn, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. MorbidJ

    MorbidJ Member

    Sep 3, 2006
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    I was having the same problem{error 16} when I did the hotswap for the first time....I wasn't getting the microsoft logo so I diconnected it right before it went to the error screen and was able to access the drive with xplorer360 and do the hotswap...it took about 30 tries before I got it just before the error screen
  2. madspar

    madspar Guest

    i have another question do u need eeprom to read the hdd?and is it posible to make it work without lossing old game data?
  3. madspar

    madspar Guest

    I tried to hotswap my xbox becouse i had an erro 16 with no microsoft logo so i conected the xbox HDD to my comuter when the xbox just started to loed then i continued boot and on the xbox it said error 1 then i loeded up windows and use xploer360 to find it, it said no fatx detected what did i do wrong? did i plug it in to the pc in the wrong time? and what is it suposed display on the xbox when its pluged into the pc , and when i unplug it again and restarted it i got erro16 again so im back to the begining so what do i do plz help me!!!
  4. hlp4me

    hlp4me Member

    Mar 26, 2006
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    No, you don't need the eeprom to read the HHD, you need the eeprom if you want to put a bigger HHD or if something happen to your HHD and you need to reformat it, so you need to keep trying untill you get it to hotswap, if you can't get it to hotswap then consider the chip. If any time you get your hotswap succeed one of the first thing you should do if make a copy of your eeprom, your eeprom is the key for changing to a new HHD.

    Wance you have your eeprom you don't need to hotswap like jumping ide cable from Xbox to PC, what I do is simuler to hotswap, I use the XBOXHDM_V1.9 to unlock my HHD then turn off my computer switch ide cable reboot then use Xplorer360 to reed the HHD or install what ever I needed to install, but unlocking and locking your HHD this way is very very very easy to mess thing up, you have to manually input your eeprom, so if you make a mistake there goes your HHD. I have an 80gig HHd I lock and I lost the key and now I can't use the HHD because is lock with an unknown key.
  5. madspar

    madspar Guest

    Ok i have a question for all of u if i get a DUOX2 modchip from this web site http://www.xbox-modchips.com/duox-chip.htm, would it be able to fix my error 16 problem and fix it ?

    these are it feutures
    Flash On/Off
    Modchip On/Off
    HDD LED Feature
    Upgrade Reliable
    HDD Is Optional
    BT Is Optional
    LED Is Optional
    Pin Header
    Programmer: soon
    Led Power indicator
    2 x 512KB BIOS BANKS
    FLASH BIOS 2.32 & 3.0.3
    yea i cant tell if thoese are good features or not so plz tell me if there good and if it wwould fix my error 16....

    also if some one knows a beter mod chip thates not too expensive plz tell me..
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 30, 2006
  6. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    CHEERS.... dude

    Finally get your xbox running again.

    Well if you have problem with Shademand's file, you can replace your C and E file with the working softmod C and E files from your friend xbox by ftp.

    you have to try 5-6 times to get it works. Make disconnec ide cable from xbox's hdd just before it goes to error screen.

    Then connect to secondary IDE cable on PC. This is very important. If you connect wrong, PC will not read the xbox's hdd. You have to know which one is primary IDE cable and which one is secondary IDE cable.

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2006
  7. madspar

    madspar Guest

    I thought u have to have the primary idea cable conected to the pc Hdd?
    And when do u disconect the cable from the xbox hdd I think me and my friend tried at least 6 times we tried at the very begining we tried on the x we tried just befor the x, and also if u actualy get it to read would the pc dedect it becouse when my scand it only found my samsung HDD, and xplore360 didnt find it eather..
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2006
  8. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    Yes the primary ide cable is for pc's hdd
    the secondary ide cable is for xbox's hdd

    Make sure PC see the xbox's hdd in the Manager first before running xplorer360. If PC cant recognize xbox hdd, xplorer360 will not see the xbox hdd either.

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2006
  9. madspar

    madspar Guest

    But how do u make it see it in manager...and also when the xbox is on and conected to the pc whates the xbox on the tv screen suposed to display..???
  10. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    When xbox connect to PC, dont worry on tv any more.

    Make sure you disconnect IDE cable from xbox just before xbox goes to error screen because at this point the hdd may get unlocked. If you disconnect too early or too late, the hdd stayed locked.

    On PC, if you connect it right, pc will see xbox's hdd in the Manager.

    Here are connections:
    - on primary ide calbe: PC's hdd, a DVD/CD drive.
    - on secondary ide cable: xbox's hdd only. So this Ide cable connect to motherboard and nothing else at the begining.

    After connect xbox's hdd to pc, continue boot up PC. Check in Manager, you should see PC's hdd, DVD/Cd drive and xbox's hdd. IF you dont see xbox's hdd, san for it.

    If you try 2-3 times and still PC can't see xbox's hdd, then do this:
    - PC and xbox are off.
    - Turn ON PC and xbox. Do not hit the Break/Pause key.
    - do the hotswap
    - Check in the Manager again. Hopefully you see the xbox's hdd

  11. santana22

    santana22 Guest

    hey thereturn im not too sure if u remember me but i softmodded my xbox with ur guide not to long ago and now im getting an error 21
    my question is do i have to put the default ms dashboard in or can i just replace the dashboard with the softmod dashboard to repair it?
  12. madspar

    madspar Guest

    Im confused didnt u say if u turn off the xbox without the xbox Hdd pluged in its usless, but u said i have to turn off the pc and xbox do i conect the xbox hdd back to it befor i turn of the xbox??

    I have another question my computer is custome built so it checks ram and hdd and boots from cd, if when it checks for hdd and only sees my pc hdd does that mean it didnt work or should i try to scan it in windows?
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2006
  13. madspar

    madspar Guest

    And also i noticed at the begining the light is green but by the time it shows the x its green and red so im quesing that i should try to do the hotswap befor the error screen and befor its flashing red and greem right?

    Oh and most of the time when its conected to my pc it displays error 1..
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2006
  14. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    Try to do this first before hotswap

    Oh yeah, try to disconnect ide cable just before the LED flashing red/green.

    Because you disconnect ide cable, that is why it give eroor 1 on TV.

    when did I said these?

    Always connect the hdd back to xbox before turn off xbox.

    Yes, you scan the xbox's hdd in the Manger on window as I said in the tut.
  15. madspar

    madspar Guest

    so whates a normal thing the xbox displays on the tv screen when conected to pc error 1?

    Also can u disconect it while its in the green ball thing or does it have have to show the x on the tv?

    And also when it gets to the x its already flashing red and green but suprisingly when i loed a game it takes it like 5 seconds to flash red and green.....
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2006
  16. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    You can't disconnect until you get the the X. But if you get chrismas light at the X, hotswap will not work.

    So try do hotswap with the game inside the xbox. Like you said it take 5 seconds before flashing red/green. So do hotswap and disconnect ide cable at 4 seconds.

    The error code is various on different situation.
  17. madspar

    madspar Guest

    so if the hotswap wont work what would my other options be?

    Some one told me that if u unplug the ide cable and power from the xbox dvd/cd drive and get an error 11 or 12 the HDD is unlocked by default is that true?
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2006
  18. jonwilcox

    jonwilcox Guest

    I get fatx partition table error every time. How do I fix this?
  19. santana22

    santana22 Guest

    the return i cant use any of those games because i dont have any of em and icant ftp my xbox so im guessing imgonna have to hotswap but can u tell me whether ill have to put in the default ms dashboard or can i just reinstall the evox dash
  20. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    If you cant do hotswap, modchip is the next option.

    If you have the original eeprom, you can use xboxhdm to build a new hdd for xbox.

    I dont know about the unplug cables to get error 11 or 12. But you can try it.

    Is your hdd ok? any bad cluster? does it spin fast or make noise or hot?

    If you know why xbox get error 21, then you can fix it with hotswap. Otherwise try to restore ms dash. IF it does not work, install Shademand softmod.


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