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Hotswap Can Fix Xbox With Error 13, 14, 16, 20 And 21, can reinstate Xbox's HDD To Factory Condition, can also Install/Reinstall Softmod Files. Al...

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by TheReturn, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. cateater

    cateater Member

    Nov 6, 2006
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    Ok, here is my progress so far. I FINALLY got that piece of crap program to work, and I FINALLY restored the C Drive on the HD...However, I am still getting the Service screen! I know the C Drive I have is good, because it is straight out of my xbox... Could I have done something wrong? Is there any hope for my xbox?!
  2. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    so you copy ms dash files to C and E drive per my tut. So what error code now. is it the same error before?

    did you download shademand softmod file? Or you can get the complete softmod files of C and E drive from your friend's softmoded xbox.

    Then do hotswap again and install softmod file per my tut.
  3. xBarneyx

    xBarneyx Member

    Jan 22, 2007
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    how the heck am i suppost to know if my dvd drives are on my secondary or primary?
  4. mhack

    mhack Guest

    @ return NO i havnt used this method before to complete a hd but i have all the tut and the program and folowed it as per!

    If i put that locked hd on (the one i bin pissin about on here for weeks lol) itll pick that one up but wont open it because i still aint got round to getting that eeprom.

    I have MY eeprom and partions on a linux boot disc as per the tut. but it wont find that hd.

    Am not using my pc for xboxhd am using an old one would that be the problem?
    i dont mind using my new comp for hotswap but xboxhd is a diff story incase i balls up my bios!
  5. mhack

    mhack Guest

    barney CHILL OUT man!!

    Your primary IDE will be connected to your pc's HD and whatever else you have on it (your secondary HD as slave)

    Your dvd drive will be your secondary IDE cable
    Disconnect EVERYTHING of that cable for now and use that to do your hotswap.

    Follow this tut The Return knows what he talkin about trust me!
  6. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

  7. cateater

    cateater Member

    Nov 6, 2006
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    Yes, I copied the C and E drives as your tut suggested. I do not know which error I am getting because it goes directly to the service screen. The thing is, when I looked through the files that was on the xbox hd, there was no softmod installed. So I thought that maybe a original MS dash file was corrupt or something, because it looks like nobody ever tried to install a softmod on that xbox. I do not know how the previous owner messed it up either. I put a working Dash files on C and E as your tut suggested, and for some reason I still get the service screen. I could fix the xbox easily if I had access to his eeprom.bin file, but I have no idea where it is stored or if I can even access it without a softmod.
  8. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    I know your problem. Sometimes "restore hdd" may not work because previous failures. That is why I tell you to download shademand softmod file 325MB. Then unrar it. Then do hotswap again.

    It will work.
  9. cateater

    cateater Member

    Nov 6, 2006
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    Excellent! Thank you! I will try it as soon as I can and let you know how it works out!
  10. xBarneyx

    xBarneyx Member

    Jan 22, 2007
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    ok im fealingpretty confinent(how ever you spell it) now.im gona try it out.thnx every one
  11. cateater

    cateater Member

    Nov 6, 2006
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    oh my god.... I am having the crappiest time running Xplorer360 and I am getting real pissed. I can open up my xbox hd with xplorer360, and I can add any files I want to every single partition except Partition 3. When I try to add the C drive files I keep getting this message "an error occured while writing to cluster ....", then the files quit transferring. I have got it to work like twice, where I can transfer files for no problem for about a minute, then it goes back to that error! Ugh, I hate computers!
  12. cateater

    cateater Member

    Nov 6, 2006
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    Ok... Heres my progress. I copied the C and E drives from my modded xbox and put them on the broken xbox hd. I still get the service screen. My question is how can I use my modded xbox C and E drives, because the two xbox's have different eeproms? Do you have any other suggestions? As far as I can tell I correctly put the C and E drives on the broken xbox hd, but I did keep getting an error ("an error occured while writing to cluster ....",) while trying to place the C drive files onto Partition 3, so I had to keep hitting "OK", then "cancel", but the files still appeard on partition 3, and they were the correct file sizes.
  13. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    Not sure why. Your C drive is 500MB. Just make sure that you dont use up the 500MB.

    Although files still appeared on partition 3 and they were shown as correct file sizes, but they still may not transfer completely.

    Try couple other xplorer versions. Hopefully you dont have that error "an error occured while writing to cluster ...."
  14. mhack

    mhack Guest


    I sometimes got that error messsage and i found copying one file at a time didnt have that problem, it can be a bit time comsuning (i think it has something to do with ex360 cant keep up) but it worked ok for me.
    hope i helped
  15. mhack

    mhack Guest


    I sometimes got that error messsage and i found copying one file at a time (extracting into the correct partition/folder) didnt have that problem, it can be a bit time comsuning (i think it has something to do with ex360 cant keep up) but it worked ok for me.
    hope i helped
  16. cateater

    cateater Member

    Nov 6, 2006
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    Yeah, I tried copying them one at a time also, and it looked like they all transferred, but it didnt make a difference. I will try a couple different versions and see if that helps.
  17. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    do you know how to sotfmod the xbox? do you know where to place the linux file in TDATA and UDATA folder? Do you have SID 4.0?

    If you do, you can fix your xbox through the linux file. But you need xbox loading games.
  18. mhack

    mhack Guest

    if anyone knows where is best to upload files i have a completed softmod ready with some applications for xbox also included. complete C & E and i just removed the eeprom.
  19. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

  20. cateater

    cateater Member

    Nov 6, 2006
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    Yes, I know how to softmod. I have the correct Mechassault/Agent Under Fire games and yes, I also have the SID 4.0 files. I am not sure exactly where to put the Linux files in the TDATA and UDATA folders... But if there is a tut on how to possibly fix the xbox with the linux files, I would definitely try it.

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