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Hotswap Can Fix Xbox With Error 13, 14, 16, 20 And 21, can reinstate Xbox's HDD To Factory Condition, can also Install/Reinstall Softmod Files. Al...

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by TheReturn, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. wobbs

    wobbs Guest

    Steve you must away and birch yourself for this one my friend

    The eeprom reader means you have to de-solderize that eeprom.
    I saw a guide somewhere which shows you how to use a really old stick of ram to fix up your xbox.Try googling it.[/quote]

    sorry mate no soldering required at all ( apart from building the eeprom reader )

    You can use the point on the LPC header pins 13 and 14 and re inject an eeprom using the same ( earth to the case as well i have a clip on my reader and used some old test lamp leads )

    see the lpc in this link ( from start of thread )

    I have recovered 4 boxes this way ( with the aid of xboxhdm of course )

    thanks goes out to Unicron for the original tut and Thereturn for the help he has provided and any one who has posted a question Daft or not - it all helps in the long run

    3 hand help

    1 to hold the test leads on the pins
    1 to turn the box on
    1 to click the mouse on the ponyprog read / write eeprom.bin

    side note when connecting the xbox ( UNLOCKED HD ) to your PC to build a new drive or repalce the corrupt dash files, make sure it on IDE 0 / A - mine seems to be the last connector on the ide lead, but may differ i dont know, check as it will recognise the drive in linux but wont when you go to unlock lock the HD stating no drive present.

    good luck guys
  2. shawty

    shawty Member

    Aug 5, 2005
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    ok i have solve almost everything exept hotswap (duh), but just the simplest but hardest thing to do, when is the correct timing to unplug the ide cable from the hdd, i read that just when the red light shows for first time, oters say that when the microsoft logo appears, but it doesn't appear in error 16, so i tried changing it to 12 by unpluging the dvd, but the logo still wont apppear, i read also that just befor the error screen pops up and others say that when the music stops, which is the corect one?
    also i tried plugging it and loaded xboxhdm, but when i typed xboxhd, a screen appears and it says dev/hda/ is not right or something, i don't remember exactly, and that i must reboot, plug a hdd and retry.
    what should i do?
  3. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    you have error 16. Turn on xbox and time to see: when the LED flashs green/red, when error 16 shown up. did you download 4 versions of explorer360: beta 3,4,5,6? install beta 4 first.

    Do hotswap and disconnect ide cable from xbox's hdd few second BEFORE Error 16 shown up. ALSO the LED has be GREEN at the time you disconnect ide cable. After you disconnect ide cable, dont worry about xbox any more.

    Then check in the Devives Manager, you will see xbox's hdd in there. Open xplorer360 and read xbox hdd.

    If it says "No fatX found", close the xplorer and uninstall it. Then install other version of xplorer360. Then open it and read xbox's hdd again. Try all the xplorer version.

    If still no GO, connect xbox's hdd back to xbox and turn off. Let me know the timing.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2007
  4. Uzohoe

    Uzohoe Member

    Mar 4, 2006
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    Hey TheReturn I am having the same problem, I have an error 16 and I been trying to hotswap but my Xplorer is not detecting the hdd. I am timing it as best as I can right before the error 16 comes out, I have no Microsoft logo. The pc takes about 20 more seconds to start once I do the hotswap, I am not sure if this is normal but it starts and windows detects it and everything runs fine. I just can't get Xplorer to detect it, I have installed all the Xplorer360s I can find which all are usually in .rars and inside is the problem .exe I do not install the program it just runs. Oh and one more thing I do not have blinking red lights I have blinking green lights, and I have tried putting in an orginal game to see if the logo comes out
  5. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    what happened when turn on xbox with original game inside dvd?
    You can do hotswap again but this time disconnect ide cable 5 sec earlier then you did at the first time.

  6. Uzohoe

    Uzohoe Member

    Mar 4, 2006
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    When I put an original game in it you mean one which isn't a backup? Well if so I tryed it with the game in it(which still no logo came on, i even tryed disconnecting the ide cable from the dvd drive to see if a logo showed up but just gave me error 11) and with the game not in it, I tryed doing it right before it went into the error screen and right after I saw the Xbox come on which comes after the big X. I read somewere that it unlocks after the logo(which it doesn't show up for me)and locks up right before the error screen. So i put my ear really close to hear and I could hear like 5 clicks really fast right before the big X goes on the screen and as soon as the Xbox gets on i heared a little soft click(so i figured this was when it unlocked) and then I could hear another click right before it went into the error screen ( so i figured this was the locking) I also tryed it with the 5 fast clicks being the unlocking and the 1 click before the error click the locking. I am sorry if I am being very confusing but pretty much I tryed everything but maybe I did it wrong who knows? I really appreciate your help and if you can get me to fix it that would be great! thanks again
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2007
  7. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    you properly did it right. BUt the eeror 16 shows up to fast. That may cause hdd never get a chance to have unlocked.

    Yep, the key of hotswap is to use xbox to unlock the hdd then connect hdd to PC. If hdd can't be unlocked, xplorer360 can't read it.

    Well do hotswap again, this time disconect ide cable just before the Big X shown up. Try all xplorer360. Let me know
  8. Uzohoe

    Uzohoe Member

    Mar 4, 2006
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    Is it actually possible to hotswap even tho I have no microsoft logo on error 16? and do you know anything about a error 12 trick? this is were they told me about it

    I'll get right to it tho thanks again guys
  9. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    the error 12 trick is to by pass the error 16. So if you disconnect ide cable from xbox's DVD drive, xbox will not see error 16. Hdd will be unlocked with the error 12 trick. That is how people get around the error 16. However I have NOT tried it yet.

    One last solution, can you borrow a modchip.
  10. Uzohoe

    Uzohoe Member

    Mar 4, 2006
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    I get error 11 when I disconnect the IDE cable from the dvd-drive not error 12 I am currently trying it right now... and by a original cd you mean a cd that isnt a backup correct?
  11. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

  12. Uzohoe

    Uzohoe Member

    Mar 4, 2006
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    i tryed it with an original and with none.. should i try hotswap with error 11? as i read error 11 is same as error 12
  13. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    no, it is not the same but it is similar
  14. Uzohoe

    Uzohoe Member

    Mar 4, 2006
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    what do you think i should do?
  15. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    just give it a try.
    CAn you borrow a modchip?
  16. Uzohoe

    Uzohoe Member

    Mar 4, 2006
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    nope i dont know anyone with a modchip =( , but im going to give it a try later on because right now I am kind of busy burning cds , if buying a modchip would fix it is there a modchip that will work for xbox and the xbox360 since i just bought a 360
  17. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    modchip will fix your old xbox, it will not work on 360
  18. Uzohoe

    Uzohoe Member

    Mar 4, 2006
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    If I get another hardrive from another xbox which comes unlocked can I put it on my current xbox and it will work?
  19. TheReturn

    TheReturn Guest

    you will need the eeprom of this current xbox. So you can lock that hdd.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2007
  20. Uzohoe

    Uzohoe Member

    Mar 4, 2006
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    So for the hardrive i am planing to buy, to work I will need the EEPROM of the current xbox being my xbox not the xbox of the person who i am buying it from. But if I get the EEPROM wouldn't I be able to fix my current hardrive, hence no reason to buy another one? How do I go about getting my EEPROM will I have to build one myself like here or is there another way of getting your EEPROM ? thanks again

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