I read this 3 times, and don't get it... http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/605075 I propose a winner be declared at years end. Also, this thread MUST live on! Who hasn't actually lol'd several times? I have...
I get it. If you saw the file structure on my kids pc's - a tool would be helpful. Believe me it can be a real pain going thru each folder to figure what's in there then if I did burn it to dvd to write it on there. Hence I use an external hard drive to back stuff up
All folders within folder after folder drive me crazy But at least search can come in handy - then again her naming convention is another matter
KAOS file system. its actually an acronym. originally stood for Cant Always Organize Shit file system, but was later shortened to KAOS after wide spread use, and rapidly growing popularity. Unconfirmed reports state that in the U.S., KAOS is the most widely used, and still the fastest growing file system in the mainstream pc world. Opponents of KAOS are said to mostly use macs, citing their inability to comprehend the KAOS file system as the #1 reason for the switch. It is thought that by the year 2010, KAOS will be standardized, and fully supported by microsoft. 4 of the 50 states currently employ KAOS into the standard educational curriculum by grade 8.
here i have a good one noone can get though to this guy no matter how many times we tell him he can't do this legally lol. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/604664
The question we all should have asked him was "What part of NO do you not understand?" or did someone ask it already? I got lost reading all his gobbletygook reasons.
well this ^^ was posted in there a few times but it didn't soak in lol I see ddp finally closed it thank god lol