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Intel P4 vs AMD

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by brobear, Sep 23, 2005.

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  1. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    please i did ask ye all to post ye comments here on that subject of brobear.
    and please let this thread stay on track..

    Lets Paint The Kettle Black,Do You Have A Bitch On Whats Going On Around The Site,....
  2. boxwrench

    boxwrench Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2006
  3. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I'm sorry but I don't agree! Brobear was an integral part of this forum and thread. He was helpfull and knowlegable. I also dislike the mods who commented in this thread speaking out of both sides of their mouths. When you make an implication of wrongdoing, it isn't fair not to give an explaination. The implication seems to be that Brobear did something wrong! Well I just spent a considerable amount of time going over the entire thread and I'm sorry but I do not see justification! I also don't like the attitude of "Ignore it" by just forgetting about it. That implies that nothing really happened and it will just go away. Brobear will be sorely missed and I think that this thread has the right to know why!


  4. andmerr

    andmerr Guest

    [bold]edited by request of a higher authority[/bold]
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2006
  5. BroBear1

    BroBear1 Guest

    Your post speaks volumes. It readily shows you were the one stirring up trouble and as I mentioned to you in the PM messages where you attacked me, grow up. As to arrogance and not paying attention to moderators, the staff should seriously look toward you and obviously your mentor who has been spreading PMs and enlisting aid. In effect, you have been bringing problems to this forum from elsewhere. Too bad you don't heed the warnings you guys give at burning bits, leave the garbage on the way in. Dela warned you about that I'm sure, but it appears all the harassment has caused him to tire of the foolishness.

    [bold]I'll ask a simple question, what business was it of yours as to a post about an error riddled guide written by scubapete?[/bold] I guess it wasn't enough for you that someone deleted the post from the forum. That was a post more or less against all the members who chime into help threads with nothing to offer and say, "go here for help" (off site). Also that those guides aren't always correct. I guess calling bad info bad info hurt too many egos.

    Excuse me everyone, but now you know where the problem actually came from.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2006
  6. sytyguy

    sytyguy Regular member

    Oct 6, 2003
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    148 pages, and your one(1) and only post here, and you come to flame, I have to agree with brobear, this shows volumes into your character, or should I say lack there of.....go back to your closet, unless you have something worth while to contribute.

    And please don't come back.
  7. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I just want you to know I've made a complaint of an offensive post about andmees's reply to brobear1. This is a personal attack and is against the forum's rules!


    I couldn't agree with you more. andmeer should be banned for flagrently breaking the forum rules! Then again, some people are above the rules!

    Last edited: May 19, 2006
  8. sytyguy

    sytyguy Regular member

    Oct 6, 2003
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    Good for you, I was just about to do the same. Hard to believe he's an "Afterdawn Addict". He's the one that should be banned, for he contributes nothing, at least here, except anger over someone who is already banned.
  9. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    I don't know what caused my good and long time friend brobear to be banned but it does concern me. I have no taste for politics or in house fighting, I've seen too much of it over the last couple of years. It is one of the reasons that I've frequented AD less and less over time. While I know that brobear can be abrasive at times, I can also say that there are no innocents among those that have opposed him.

    There seems to be a decided and growing lack of wisdom among those who've been empowered to dispense it. Although I've stayed out of the conflicts in which brobear was embroiled he was no more in the wrong than those who opposed him and if brobear is to be banned then so should those others who were party to the conflict. Everyone is right in their own minds and no one wins an argument, unless it has been unfairly judged, and it always takes two sides for there to be an argument.
    Last edited: May 19, 2006
  10. sytyguy

    sytyguy Regular member

    Oct 6, 2003
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  11. tocool4u

    tocool4u Guest

    Jeez get back on topic....All of you are ruining this thread ranting about Brobear's "incident"

    It's over life goes on.......Stop fighting over something stupid.....Your not going to win you know!

    All of this is doing nothing but getting the mods mad and making it worse!
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2006
  12. sytyguy

    sytyguy Regular member

    Oct 6, 2003
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    I hate to say, but this thread is already ruined, and guess by whom, the mods, so if they want to get mad, maybe it is about time they did. For they certainly do not know how to keep morale up.
  13. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    here's how meek mild mannered creaky is gonna play this one for now. i'm gonna close this thread [bold]just for a while[/bold], as it's sunk to ridiculous depths (not naming anyone, this reply has taken me a while to write); what's said has been said, far too much has been said in fact.
    Anyway, i'm trying to get one of my Linux pc's (64bit AMD, so i'm well ON TOPIC) working on my wireless network and my damn Blackberry keeps going off with all the replies re this situation.

    I'm not at work and i'm doing geek stuff out of hours and i deserve a little damn peace already. i'll reopen the thread when i'm ready or if i forget maybe another mod can reopen it. i'm not out to silence anyone, this shit just isn't gonna happen in the public forums (and yes creaky finally used a word stronger than crap or bugger). I had enough of this before i made mod, without naming names i made a reply in a similar situation to this [bold]edit- not saying anyone from this thread/situation was involved back then[/bold].

    ; at that time along the lines of 'keep the spats out of the public forums'. Well i'm a mod now and popular or not (i don't care either way, i have a real life out of here and it's really quite crap most of the time, and like i have to work real hard to keep 'life crap' away from work, i also keep 'life crap' out of the [bold]public[/bold] forums. If i can do that, anyone bloody can.

    creaky over and out. i ain't having this shit on my watch. oooh i said the 's' word again. now i'm mad (well i'm not really i just wanna get some peace to fix this bloody wireless). Chill ppl, it's the weekend..
    Last edited: May 19, 2006
  14. darthnip

    darthnip Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 9, 2003
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    thats not our job, this is a tech forum and we enforce the rules of it. you want someone to cry to, call oprah. here's the deal, we dont "owe" you any explination of our actions. this is an intel vs. AMD thread that has been riddled with whining bullshit for 2 pages now, thats what is ruining the thread.
  15. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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