
Discussion in 'DVDR' started by timberlou, Dec 12, 2005.

  1. timberlou

    timberlou Guest

    2old where do you get your ink for the epson
  2. timberlou

    timberlou Guest

    2old i am going to order some more dvd's do you know if they make them where i can print all the way to the small part of the dvd? all the dvd's i get all have the large circle where i can print up to. most of the dvd's have the picture all the way to the center.
  3. forkndave

    forkndave Member

    Jul 30, 2003
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    About the cheapest Epson compatible ink that you can find in this country is at . It works as good for me as the expensive Epson ink at about 1/3 the price.

  4. timberlou

    timberlou Guest

    thanks dave i will give it a try
  5. 2oldGeek

    2oldGeek Active member

    Jun 16, 2005
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    @timberlou, is the best place I’ve found for ink. I usually order 2 or 3 six packs and an extra single Black, then on the next order I get an extra Yellow also cause Black and Yellow are the most used and run out sooner than the others..

    I haven’t found Hub-printables in the discs that I use.. I always use 16x, +R’s usually Verbatim cause I can get them locally and don’t have to order.

    I know the hole is bigger but I can live with it and most of the Hub printables that have seen are only in 8x, -R. I don’t use –R because it can’t be Booktyped to a DVD-ROM and I always do that to make it more compatible with all players..

    Have a Merry Christmas and hope you receive a lot of gifts and blessings..

    My Son is on leave from Baghdad and I may be scarce for a while….
  6. timberlou

    timberlou Guest

    that is great 2old i hope he is alrirght and you and your family have a great christmas with him. tell him thank you for me and my family for what he is doing over there. tell him everybody i know is thankfull and proud for what all of the men and women are doing.
    god bless him
  7. zhelpz

    zhelpz Guest


    I just want to mention one more thing - They have already got you straight on not using adhesive labels and I totally agree - had my own nightmare with those last year - but I just want to add, IF YOU STILL HAVE THOSE BACKUPS - you can DE-LABEL them if you dont want to re-copy them from your originals.

    When I had my nightmare - I was given advice of spraying the labels with wd-40 let them sit a few mins, and they peel right off. Then, just wash them with mild soap and water so they won't be greasy. I did not believe it but had over 50 disks I Thought were ruined so I figured what the heck. I took the advice and it worked perfect and I did not have to waste 50 more disk re-doing them. And they all played brilliantly after I de-labeled them. This includes the fact that I had scratched many of them up badly thinking they were ruined before I knew it was just a labeling issue.

    I just wanted to add that if you (or anyone else reading this) were trying to salvage the ones you had already backed up and put the adhesive labels on. Over time, I have also read that some ppl just simply use soapy water and get the labels off just as good.

    Also, for any ppl interested - there is a thread that has a massive amount of info on using printable disks vs. lightscribe printers. You cant go wrong either way, just depends on what you prefer.

    Here is the link to that thread for anyone interested:


    EDIT: Sorry I didnt realize there were 3 pages here when I wrote this upper response - I see that you have already found a different solution for your delabeling process. However, I will go ahdead and leave the info I wrote for other options if anyone else is interested.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2005
  8. timberlou

    timberlou Guest

    zhelpz thanks for the thread i used a blow dryer put some heat on it and they peeled right off. i guess when the glue got hot it just let go. for anybody reading this witch everway you do it get the labels off. they just wont work right with the labels off.
  9. zhelpz

    zhelpz Guest

    timberlou - no prob - hope its helpful - this thread and that one have a few things in common.

    As far as DE-LABELING - If I had known to try your way (with the blowdryer)- I probably would have tried that first - it certainly takes less steps than the process I did - There were a few I never did get around to - collecting dust somewhere - *LOL*

    Whenever I come across them again - im going to try it your way which is faster and less messy *L*
  10. timberlou

    timberlou Guest

    2old i just read in the news letter that we can not back up our movies any more after jan. 1. am i reading it right do you know anything about it?
  11. 2oldGeek

    2oldGeek Active member

    Jun 16, 2005
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    Hey timberlou, long time.. Been out of pocket for a while.
    No, this does not mean that you can no longer Back-up your movies.
    It just means that Finland passed some new laws that restrict AfterDawn from providing links to copy protection breaking software… Different countries, different Laws.
    When you Own a Movie you can Back it up for-your-own-use…
    You cannot however, make a Copy and Sell it, Distribute it or Give it away… That’s illegal and you can be fined $250,000.
    If you own a Movie and make a back-up and at some point in time you sell that movie to someone else, you must pass all back-ups that you have along with the movie to the new owner.. That’s because if you keep a back-up and no longer own the movie it then becomes just a Copy and that is illegal…

    Hang in there.. How you been doing?

  12. timberlou

    timberlou Guest

    hey 2old hope you had a nice time with your son and a great holiday? hope he knows most people are proud of all of them. i got scard when i read the email from afterdawn, i thought i just got it and now its gone. thanks for the info i can rest easy now and my life can go on. LOL
  13. timberlou

    timberlou Guest

    hey 2old if i backup a movie with clone can i use the backup copy and make another copy
  14. 2oldGeek

    2oldGeek Active member

    Jun 16, 2005
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    Hey timberlou,
    Once you have backed up a movie it will have no protection therefore can be copied with no problems…

    Copy with DVDDecrypter – ISO mode Read – then ISO mode Write back to a blank disc..

    Use Nero, Copy disc, one drive copy or two drives on the fly.

    Read in with Shrink and write with Decrypter or Nero.

    I haven’t used Clone but I would imagine it would be about the same. Just read it and write it, it will not need shrinking or processing…

  15. timberlou

    timberlou Guest

    thanks 2old i will give it a try
  16. timberlou

    timberlou Guest

    hey 2old can i back up my sons play station 2 games, do you know how to do it?
  17. 2oldGeek

    2oldGeek Active member

    Jun 16, 2005
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  18. timberlou

    timberlou Guest

    thanks 2old
  19. 2oldGeek

    2oldGeek Active member

    Jun 16, 2005
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    u welcome timberlou.
  20. timberlou

    timberlou Guest

    hey 2old hope everything is going well. i have a question for you, i have a stand alone unit that i recorded a tv movie on. it recored's on dvd- it plays fine on that unit but no others. i tried dvd decrypter and clone dvd to make it into a dvd rom. they start to copy and then just stop, any tricks you know that might work.
    thanks nick

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