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Lets Paint The Kettle Black,Do You Have A Bitch On Whats Going On Around The Site Or Any Thing Negative To Report

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 28, 2006.

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  1. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    i am just like ye,borderline diabetic i take this 5 min b-4 i eat..prandin

    just info only,

    When you have type 2 diabetes, gaining better control of your blood glucose (blood sugar) levels may often be hard to achieve. That's because each meal you eat may lead to a large increase, or "spike" in your blood sugar levels. This can happen when your body doesn't produce enough insulin or doesn't release it quickly enough. It can also happen when your body doesn't respond properly to the insulin that is released. It develops a resistance to insulin.

    Sometimes, with type 2 diabetes, there may not be any symptoms for years. But over time, high levels of glucose in you blood can hurt your body and even lead to serious, long-term complications. The good news is that research has shown that complications of diabetes can be prevented or slowed by controlling blood sugar levels.

    To help improve your control over your blood sugar levels after eating, you may want to consider a medication such as PRANDINĀ® (repaglinide) Tablets because, when taken as directed, PRANDINĀ® has been shown to lower blood glucose levels after eating.
  2. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Thank You, Ireland. I got checked every year because its so pervasive in my family (my mom, both her parents and all her siblings. She and grandad were type one, her sisters type 2.
    Last physical, my blood sugar was 180 which is high but not terrible. Watching what I eat got it down to 110-112 without the need for medication. Apparantly they can tell from the liver enzymes, tricglycerides and pancreatic somethingorother that its on the start. They're keeping a close eye on it and although I don't have to stick myself or anything, I have to wizz on this little plastic thing once a week to monitor what color it turns and I'm suppose to contact the doctor if it goes deeper than a certain shade of green. I can see a direct correlation though between that and what I eat which, in a sense, is really helping know what I can and cannot eat better than the list on a piece of paper. I really don't think the craving for sugary things is my imagination though...its rather like wanting a cigarette right after quitting smoking...the need is pretty intense! If I'm eating right, I actually feel quite good but if I stray, things get weird ... ups and downs, fatigue, sugar cravings. I've been doing quite well though. I know the medication would even all that out some but they don't want me taking any yet nor do I want too.
  3. Bubba1982

    Bubba1982 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Gonna have a bit of a funny rant on behalf of one of my greek friends.

    In the movie "Troy" when brad pitt dies, have a look where he dies. he dies on the only patch of grass in the entire movie. Greeks don't die on grass. You die on concrete. Never grass....[bold]Ever[/bold]

    The 2 greek brothers i know were deeply offended by the ending to troy;-P
  4. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Mobler worm uses Symbian to target Windows

    worm An old school worm that needs to be activated by the user before it can infect other media is currently doing the rounds, according to antivirus company FSecure.

    Mobler attempts to copy itself to all available writable media such as floppy disks, USB memory and other folders on fixed drives.

    One of the signs of infection is that the floppy drive will make a noise as if trying to write, even when there is no disk inside. Mobler worm uses Symbian to target Windows - Security - www.itnews.com.au Linked by shanmuga Thu Sep7 2006 9:51pm EDT

  5. sly_61019

    sly_61019 Senior member

    Jun 28, 2003
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    My bitch,

    Cops who use the shoulder to pass cars on the highway when there is bumper to bumper traffic. 3 different cops passed me on the shoulder today, and you know they are not responding to a call (they weren't in too much of a hurry).
  6. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    But they are responding to a call, the call of the wanton Doughnut, There is a special signal built into that Krispy Kreme doughnut light when it first comes on, an APB is issued...
    But seriously, with all the stuff that our Law Enforcement people have to put up with, give them a break, not all calls require high speed driving with lights and a siren. I trust them enough to use their judgement when it is necessary to use the shoulder in order to get to a location in the utmost urgency.
  7. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Yeah cut them some slack. They're driving slow on the shoulder so as not to hit the nuts that might pull out in front of them.
  8. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    When I was a paramedic ages ago, we took one of the ambulances to pick up take out on more than one occasion!
  9. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    You know Gerry, when they do put that statue of Rocky up, and vandals (aspiring young artists) get spray paint in his eyes, are you going to borrow an ambulance and rush him to the river to wash his eyes out with water? I'd be careful because the statue in a moment of delusional granduer may want to recreate a scene from Titanic and mistakenly try to set sail on a paper boat you have placed on the edge of the dock, thus assuring the statue plummets to un untimely demise in the bottom of the river, nevermore to be seen from again. Like Luca Brasi from the Godfather, "he sleeps with the fishes." Of course you would never drive on the shoulder with him in the back, now would you?
  10. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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  11. Ripper

    Ripper Active member

    Feb 20, 2006
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    Pfft. I'm 15 and I'm deffinately the exception to that study ;)

    My bitch :p
  12. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    The cops in my town are scum :(

    On the fourth of july we always have fireworks and a street dance by the river. There are roughly 5000 people there and all the streets are packed with cars. There is absolutely NO parking space left. So about 50 people park on a bit of yellow sidewalk. I walk past and the cops are writing out tickets left and right.

    I mean wow. That's almost as bad as profiling. It's either park there and pay $50 or park downtown and walk 5 miles to the street dance... Thats utter bullocks...
  13. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    In New Orleans, at least before Katrina, if you were parked in a spot in correctly, they would just tow your car away. So where you are isn't quite so bad.
  14. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    In downtown Philly, you have to have your car off the street by 4:30 to accomodate rush hour traffic ... problem is, they'll start towing at 3:30 to have it cleared by 5:00!! If they tow you early, you don't have to pay to get it back. Quite a deal, huh?
  15. rihgt682

    rihgt682 Regular member

    Mar 13, 2005
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    my bitch is why bitch about it? does it help? no Do you feel better after you bitch? no. I'm not bitching anymore.
  16. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

  17. Estuansis

    Estuansis Active member

    Jan 18, 2006
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    rihgt682, from what I've seen you've broken all the records for volume of bitches in a bitch. So just keep bitching and stop... bitching about it :p
  18. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Ground Zero, Freedom Tower Rises

    By Lakshmi Sandhana| Also by this reporter
    02:00 AM Sep, 11, 2006

    Few public building projects have sparked such competing emotions as the Freedom Tower. Patriotism has driven it from the start, with some inevitably kitschy results, starting with its height (1776 feet). The building is a solemn monument to the fallen, but also an obvious target, a test of our will and ingenuity to ensure that history doesn't repeat itself.

    Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, or SOM, the architects designing the tower, have taken that imperative literally: If terrorists pilot a fully-fuelled commercial jet into their building, they believe it will stand.

    Click here for images of the tower and the other new buildings at ground zero.
    "Based on the identified threats there wouldn't be a disproportionate collapse of the structure," says Carl Galioto, SOM's technical partner. "In many cases there wouldn't even be a distortion; key elements of the tower would not be deformed out of place."

    Strengthening the new tower is a central vertical core running through its length that's fortified with a 3-foot thick concrete and steel wall. The tower's steel frame is interconnected with beams and columns to redistribute loads in the event of an impact or blast so it remains standing, enabling occupants to leave safely.

    With the aid of advanced engineering techniques, the architects hope to avoid any possibility of the kind of progressive collapse witnessed in the case of the Twin Towers where 110 stories fell to the ground in 10 to 15 seconds.

    It wasn't just the airplanes' impact that felled the towers; the force of the collision ripped away fire proofing from the steel frame, leaving the towers unprotected against the multiple fires that ravaged and weakened them later. For the new construction, SOM architects are using concrete containing dense and highly adhesive fire insulation that's capable of surviving very strong impacts.

    No precautions can ensure a 100 percent collapse-proof building. As a result, the blueprints create significant improvements in exit strategies.

    "It is generally impossible to assure that a structure will not collapse as we simply cannot predict what extraordinary loads may be put onto it," says Robert Woodbury, Scientific Director of the Canadian Design Research Network and a Professor at Simon Fraser University. "What is most important is to give people sufficient time to escape before collapse, and sufficient means of egress to leave."

    That's what the core is all about. All the buildings' life-safety systems will be encased here, and the core will serve as the primary escape route in the event of a crisis. The core contains extra-wide emergency stairs, pressurized to push out smoke, and a dedicated staircase for fire fighters to use so rescue efforts aren't hampered if people rush down.

    There are areas of refuge on each floor where people can await rescue and enhanced elevators that function in emergencies. Photo-luminescent strips will indicate routes in the event of a power failure and all communication and sprinkler systems are contained in the core. /p>

    In addition to interconnected exits all the exit pathways lead directly out on to the surrounding streets, totally avoiding the lobby, which will serve as a base for rescue operations. In the event of an emergency, Galioto says a fully occupied building could be evacuated using both stairs and elevators in under two hours.

    The tower has a 200-foot-tall, bomb-resistant concrete base surrounded by a multi-layered glass-curtain wall designed to be impervious to any kind of explosion.

    "The challenge here is finding a balance between public access and security," says Barbara A. Nadel, a New York City architect and author of Building Security. "We don't want to build structures that resemble fortresses. Transparent security solutions, invisible to the public eye, can be effective without being overwhelming."

    To address further security concerns, the tower has been set back from West Street, a major north-south thoroughfare by an average of 90 feet. Only the first 70 floors will be occupied and the building's air supply will be filtered with chemical and biological filters. The air supply system will also draw in air from the top of the building making it less vulnerable to compromise by potential terrorists.

    Architects are expanding the way they practice their trade by designing around a whole host of safety and security concerns. But even with advanced technology, architecture is not foolproof against terrorism.

    "We have learned how to deal with threats on buildings," says Galioto, "but architecture should be the last line of defense."
  19. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @Ireland...very interesting article. That is precisely how they are building the new Comcast Tower in Philly; I can watch them from my living room window. It starts with a massive concrete core around which everything is then framed. It's like a structure within a structure. I've never seen them build like that before (not that I really pay any attention to it but it seemed unusual somehow). Wish I had a digital camera; I'd show you what I mean.
  20. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    Madonna on a Cross. Again.[​IMG]

    p2pnet.net News:- Madonna continues to fake her own crucifiction onstage, even wearing a crown of thorns, but this time she's angered the Russian Orthodox Church.

    "It'll create a blinding light, like she's landing on the spaceship from E.T.," was how a 'source' described it recently, and Vatican official, bishop Velasio De Paolis, said: "How this woman can take the name of the mother of Christ, I don't know. Her show represents the rotten fruit of secularism and the absurdity of evil."

    Today, "As the star prepares to perform in front of 50,000 at Moscow's Luzhniki stadium, an Orthodox Church spokesman called on her to tone down her act," says Reuters, quoting Father Sergei Zvonoryov as saying, "We are not against Madonna. We're against her blasphemous acts during the concert.

    "Crucifixion, cross, diadem of thorns on her head. All this is a parody on the crucifixion of Christ. She must respect the view of the country and society, where she is going to perform."

    Madonna is a lapsed Roman Catholic, adds the story.
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