Philips dvp642 dvd and divX player

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by slovak, Apr 27, 2004.

  1. bowman60

    bowman60 Guest

    hello there. im having problems playing divx/xvid files in my standalone dvd player capable of playing these files. video is ok and disks are read but the sound is out of sync with the video. The files seem to be ok since it wouldn't have this probelm if played on my pc. is it the audio settings in the dvd player menu? is it the way i burn the dvd data disks witht the mpeg4 files? i use nero and imation brand media to burn the files into disks. thanks in advance for any help. im really at a loss on how to resolve this problem.
  2. loxdox

    loxdox Member

    Jan 4, 2006
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    bowman: read back the last couple pages. the answers you seek are there. it is a codec problem most likely and the previous posts will tell you exactly what to do.
  3. yromashin

    yromashin Guest

    Hello bowman60,

    The exact reference is dated 7. January 2006 @ 02:21
    where Rick5446 is sharing his experience with me. Well, it did not work well for my file. I guess, it was a special case. I do not have another one to play with. Good luck! I have made a number of snapshots and just need time to post my guide on the forum. Sorry.

  4. loxdox

    loxdox Member

    Jan 4, 2006
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    I have a super drive, maybe it was someone else that doesnt or u were answering someone elses question.
  5. yromashin

    yromashin Guest

    Hello loxdox,

    Please read before you write. Otherwise it makes no sence.
    My messages are mostly addressed to someone.


  6. loxdox

    loxdox Member

    Jan 4, 2006
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    you wrote the below

    I believe it makes sense that I responded that I have a super drive.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2006
  7. drecker

    drecker Member

    Jan 14, 2006
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    Rick 5446, further to my previous post which was as following:

    ""I have owned the Philips DVP 642/37 for a year and it plays XviD files pretty well on a burnt CD . Now i recently got a new laptop with a NEC 6650 A DVD-RW drive. I have tried burning the Xvid/AVI files on a DVD+R and DVD-R . On both occasions i can view the burnt XviD files on the DVD+R and DVD-R on my desktop dvd rom . BUt each time i put these DVDs in my philips dvd player the dvd player rejects it and tray just opens up . I use Sonic basic software to burn the DVDs. Can any one please help me out with this problem . would be greatly appreciated.""

    I am using Sonic Digital Media to burn my DVD+/-R , I use the data direct to disk option. It 1st DLA formats my disk , and then i drag and drop the files and finally it makes it compatible( according to the software). I cant seem to burn my DVD any other way on my computer , i have used the video direct to disk option of same software but that doesnt support XVID files. Similarly the windows explorer doesnt seem to work either whn i try to use it in the same way as i would to burn a CD-R plus the media center also doesnt work .
    The same xvids whn i burn them on cd-r using windows explorer work fine on DVP 642/37 without the need of any codec etc.

    P.S: i have no idea what data iso NERO means .

    Your help would be appreciated.

  8. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    @ drecker..Nero is burning software..Data ISO is the method of burning.But I'm pretty sure U have good burnig software for your needs
    I had the same problem with my first Philips I exchanged it,the second one worked would read any other type of Disc,,Standard dedicated DVD,my backup DVD,My CD's [VCD,SVCD,AVI,Divx,Xvid]all played perfect..But not any type of AVI's on DVD..It's possible its your player that is at fault,well at least U can watch AVI's,it is unfortunate that U can't use DVD's
    But I did call the service rep on the first player,they told me it would play AVI's on DVD..They did try to lay it off on bad Discs,but the Discs played fine in my other 2 players
    Not saying U got the same problem..but it sounds identical to my prob
  9. mhudson7

    mhudson7 Member

    Mar 2, 2005
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    I have occasionally had 'bad' DVD discs that the 642 would not accept but played fine on my PC. Change brands and try again. The 642 normally works fine with CD-R, CD-RW, DVD+R, & DVD+RW. Assure that you are creating a DATA disc. ISO is not really necessary.
  10. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    @ mhudson7..I just refered ISO as thats the way it is listed in Nero [data iso]
    thats true about media..myself I only use Tys & Ritek Ridata,which when on sale I swing towards Tys
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2006
  11. yromashin

    yromashin Guest

    Hello loxdox,

    I am sorry, my mistake. Accept my apologies. I write to a number of forums and did not look back far.

  12. drecker

    drecker Member

    Jan 14, 2006
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    Thanks Rick,

    I got the Nero and tried burning my AVI using the nero software ;the problem is that it turns my 700 MB file into a 3 GB file whn it burns it onto the DVD+R using the burn video option. What i want is that the 700 MB file should remain 700 MB, so i can put more files on a single DVD+R . If i burn an iso image using the data-DVD option, will those play on philips dvp 642 player ? Or if you have any other suggestion as to how i can put maximum number of AVI/Xvid on a single dvd+r , please lemme know.

  13. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    @ Nero use the DVD-ROM[ISO] TO burn it,this only burns BYTE for not use anything but nero burning rom..U don't have to do any recode,encode whatever.Just burn as if it were a Data Disc
    But I would suggest U use RW's till all is figured out
    Once into DVD-ROM on the file tab accross the top you'll be in Multisession..[if useing RW's put a dot in Start Multisession disc this way U can add more later]or just go over to the right & click on new..This will bring U to the burning window,just open up windows explorer to where your AVI is.Now highlight that AVI WITH YOUR MOUSE ARROW ON THAT FILE hold down your left mouse button & drag it into the second column from the left ,it has [file] at the top..Now U can continue this till U have as many AVI's as a Disc will hold usually around 6 at 750Mil ea .But I recommend U use RW's till u get all this resolved
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2006
  14. kigol

    kigol Member

    Mar 29, 2004
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    i've been using this player forever... its tip top.
  15. yromashin

    yromashin Guest


    There were a few discussions on how to FIX A/V OUT OF SINC.

    I took a few snapshots to make it easier for others to understand.
    I used DirtualDubMod1.5.10.2 (free, download from here:

    I find it easier to work with.
    Open your file:


    Choose 'DIRECT STREAM COPY'. Then adjust Frame Rate.


    Then increase or decrease the video framerate. For example, if it is 25 you could change it to 24.99. The program will advise you on a better rate. Use it as a starting point. This will allow video to finish at the same time with audio.


    Save the file as avi file:



    Trial & error is the only way to get what you want. When I work with the file, I run the VirtualDubMod for a few minutes. It is enough to preview it on the PC, and then adjust the framerate further, if needed. I would also advise to burn a final copy on CD-RW or DVD-RW for preview (I prefer DVD-RW for they burn about 3 times faster than CD-RW). If you are happy, go and burn it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2006
  16. bronco4

    bronco4 Member

    Dec 10, 2005
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    Hi again rick5446,
    I am having trouble seeing QPEL codec when I open a file,that I know is using Qpel codec.I know this because I get a "codec not supported (QPEL)' message. on my tv screen, when I try to play the file in my dvp642.
    I open the file with GSpot version 2.21 and see the video codec box which says 2 compatible codecs installed.I than click on that and see Xvid mpeg-4 codec and Xvid mpeg-4 video decoder.I than click on each of those and still see nothing referring to Qpel.
    What am I doing wrong? I have tried this on several Qpel files.
    Thanks in advance.
  17. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    @ bronco4..If your player is acknowledging the file has Qpel..Why do U need to see it..I would rather think U would want to get rid of it so U can sit back & ENJOY THE MOVIE

    For those of you who have this player, and want to re-encode your xvid video file to get it to work with the player (b/c QPEL, GMC, Packed Bitstream, NVOP etc... is incompatible with the dvp642):

    First get the latest VirtualDubMod (1.5.10) and xvid codec 1.0.3 . Go into VirtualDubMod and apply these settings to your re-encode (assuming you're already familiar with the config. tool for xvid codec):

    * Encoded with XVID 1.0.3 codec
    * Set target bitrate 1-Pass to whatever G-SPOT says your original video bitrate is (usally 800-1000kbps)
    * Uncheck: QPEL, AQ, Treillis, GMC
    * MAX consecutive B-VOPS set to 2.00
    Quantizer ratio used: 1.50
    Quantizer offset used: 1.00
    * NO PACKED bitstream
    * Closed GOV checked
    * interlaced encoding off
    * aspect ratio set to SQUARE
    * use MPEG for 2 disc+ encoding and H.263 for single disc encodes
    * Chroma motion set
    * turbo checked :)
    * VHQ varied from 1 - 4
    * MIN/MAX I-B-P quantizers set to 2/31 respectively

    Remember, B-VOP should be turned on or else NVOPs will be created, and these (packed bitstreams) will cause your movie to skip in the player.

    My average time for a 1.5hr clip is about 50 minutes on my athlon 2.1ghz

    Please thank XvidPro over at the forums for coming up with these settings (I added a few notes).

    Another simple solution would be to re-encode it through AutoGordianKnot
  18. yromashin

    yromashin Guest

    Well, I know it sounds simple for those who are familiar with it. I was having trouble to follow this guide (great guide, extremely helpful). That is why I took snapshots for other people to understand and save time.

    Open video file:


    Choose full processing mode:


    From the same menu choose Compression, then select XviD codec:


    Configure Xvid Codec:






    And save the file as AVI file:



    Good luck!

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2006
  19. bronco4

    bronco4 Member

    Dec 10, 2005
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    Thanks for the info.
    I'll try it haven't tried to re-encode yet.
    What is AutoGordianKnot? Is it easy to work with?
  20. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    @ bronco4..YEP..It's pretty straight forward..U can find it here at AD
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2006

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