Man you really screwed up. You're not supposed to delete anything from your C: drive EVER!!!!, unless you know what you're doing. The only thing I can suggest is to back up all your emulators, roms, and misc data that you need, and reboot using the installer disc and start over. Have fun!
my emu finds the roms but when i pick one it freezes right away i have my file paths correct but i dont set them up like the above threads are mine are set up like e\emulators\n64\roms i have changed my ini file to the correct file path and still the same problem but even before i changed it... it still found the roms no problem
Can someone help me please! i have surreal64xx and i have the roms on my xbox but everytime i try to play the rom it just says loading rom and nothing loads please someone help
Is there a possibility that you have checked to make sure the roms are in the right format? ****.v64 or something like it? Also, sometimes the checksum on the roms could be corrupt. The only other thing is sometimes the emulator options in whcich you emulate the rom might not actually have the support files to run the roms. What I mean by that is that there are I think 3 different types of emulation for the surreal64. Project64, 1964, and Ultra HLE. I don't have Surreal64XX, I just have the first Surreal64 emulator. Sorry, if this doesn't help you.
plz help I NEED BAD i just copyed surealXXX from my comp on a dvdr to my xbox well i can run the program and i get to the surealxxx and its says edit ini or somehing along that line well long story short i have all of my roms put in roms folder in surealxxx and its not picking them up and im neeeding to know pretty quick cus i want to play GLOVER!!!! it said i need to edite ini idk wut it means but i bet some1 does plzzz help!!!!='(
It probably means you need to edit the .ini file. Basically, its a file that tells the program where to locate roms and other media file paths. Best idea is to just ftp this emu to the hard drive and then go back through the surreal64 help threads, for the rest of the info.
my emu works and all but it says i need to edit the .ini file idk how to do it can some1 give me a stepbystep list on how to do it? cus im kinda noobie at this much appreicated