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Switched to Mac How Do I copy DVDs???

Discussion in 'Video problems with Mac' started by fox21mill, Dec 13, 2009.

  1. fox21mill

    fox21mill Member

    Dec 13, 2009
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    Sorry if this has already been covered a million times, Im gonna ask anyway. I just switched to one of the new Macs and I discovered that I could no longer us AnyDVD to decrypt my movies. Im really pissed but willing to try other options. Heres what I used to use, maybe someone could tell me how to now do this on a Mac. Used to open a dvd and back it up on hard drive with DVD Shrink and decrypt at the same time with Slysoft AnyDVD. Then I would burn to DVD with Nero. Can anybody tell me what to use on this Mac that would be the same as what I used to use. Thanks
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    moved to correct forum as have a better chance of getting correct help.
  3. djhotwhee

    djhotwhee Member

    Jul 26, 2009
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    There are 2 solutions I use.

    Running Mac OSX 10.3 - 10.6.

    - MacTheRipper 3.0 R14MA
    (1:1 DVD Ripper to ISO Format/Un-Copy protected)
    - RipIT 1.x.x
    (Rips Newer DVDs, Creates an unburnable DVD to only be watched from a HDD)
    - Roxio Toast or Roxio Popcorn
    (Downsizing DVD to 4.3GB Single Layer / Burning to Black DVD-R Media)

    My Son is infamous for destroying all his DVD's. I have made backups from him to destroy Vs. the originals that go out of print or costing more money.

    Solution 1:
    * Run MacThe Ripper, save DVD to HDD.
    * You should have an ISO of the movie in your HDD.
    * Double click on the ISO and let the mac mount the ISO as a DVD.
    * Open your Roxio product and choose DVD Tabs, Video_TS COPY.
    * Go back to the mounted ISO and open the file. Drag VIDEO_TS folder to the Roxio window. It should process and give you copy options. Make sure to use "fit to DVD compression" in the lower left menu in Roxio.
    * Place blank DVD-R in drive and burn away. Should take about 20 minutes or so.

    Solution 2:
    Some DVD's have high copy protection on them. RipIT will help here.
    * Open RIPIT and have your DVD in the drive already. Name of DVD should appear and show you your GB size of the DVD. Example: Disney Movies in MacTheRipper may show 32GB! In RipIT it will show a proper 7GB or so.
    * Press RIP button and copy to HDD. [takes about 10 minutes or so]
    * The file you saved will have a different extension on the file like .dvd. I would recommend to right-click or [single button users] hold down control and press click. Menu will appear and select "open Package Contents" this will open the DVD you ripped.
    * With the folder opened now, drag and drop the VIDEO_TS folder to another part of your HDD. (Yes, your making a second copy) Let it transfer after that you can delete the original RIP. You should only have a VIDEO_TS folder with movie content.
    * Go back to opening Roxio and try burning as shown above.

    WARNING: RipIT may keep the copy protection on the VIDEO_TS file. If Roxio does not work and your really desperate, I have had to convert to MP4 or AVI and then convert back to DVD. Bad quality loss but, to a 5 year old, who cares.

    Hope this helps! DJHW

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