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The Official PC building thread -3rd Edition

Discussion in 'Building a new PC' started by ddp, Jul 16, 2008.

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  1. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Russ we know you hate Vista as well as M$ and ASUS but you at least have to give credit to those that have used Vista with success and know that they've used the proper amount of RAM. You can't blame M$(well you can...lol) for the companies that have used Vista w/o the proper amount of RAM... I installed Vista on a lappy for a friend with 1GB of RAM and it worked just fine. I used RI4M and some other progies and they worked like a champ. ;) The burns were very nice and the machine ripped as it should. It's the only install of Vista that I've really played with. ;) I liked the interface. :D I'm really excited to see how Windows7 works and feels. It really can't be any worse than Vista and from what I've read it does have it's pluses from Vista and XP. :D

  2. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Just my experience with it over the last year or more. People in general hate it! I never said I hate it, just that it blows! What I want to know is how you managed to get RI4M to work. Vista wouldn't even let me install Nero 7 at all (Software Compatibility issues and terminated the install). They weren't even nice enough to tell you before tying my Acer laptop up in knots when I installed 6. They did give a message about possible compatibility issues, but never mentioned a word about putting my Vista installation at risk!

    BTW, How do you make Shrink work without Nero? I bought and paid for both 6 & 7, and I have no intention of feeding Vista's control freak attitude by buying a newer one. 6 crashed Vista Ultimate Edition to the tune of almost $40 for a recovery disk. It wouldn't even let me uninstall it! I think I have darn good reason to dislike it! Reason enough for enough people, that we will soon have Win 7! I'm looking forward to that! 32 bit Vista can't even match XP-Pro SP3 with 2GB of memory, with 4GB of memory in the Vista machine. Why anyone would want to double their ram to get less performance is beyond me.

    BTW! All of my software works with XP! Even stuff that's over 10 years old! I've never had to call M$ to install components, and XP almost never crashes unless there's a problem with the computer. I can't say, that in my experience vista works as well! XP-Pro SP3 has earned my respect. So far Vista hasn't!

  3. ZoSoIV

    ZoSoIV Active member

    Oct 24, 2007
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  4. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Thanks for the links. I didn't know that. I do find this comment very funny. "I have decided to post this guide here seeing how RipIt4Me will soon become obsolete and everyone will be looking for the new free way to back up their original DVD movies". The post was from April 12, 1907. I would like to know what he meant by soon! LOL!! Here we are, almost into 2009, and RI4M is still a viable program. I personally have only found 3 titles I was unable to rip with it. RI4M is probably the best program of it's kind, ever! Certainly the longest lived. It will remain my main ripper until it no longer works anymore.

    Happy New Year,
  5. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    I'm well aware of your experience with it.. ;) As far as RI4M working with it I don't know why it worked for me and not you?? I may have had a little different version than you had, you know w/o DRM or whatever loaded. I really am at a loss Russ. ;) I know that my friend installed some more RAM later and I don't think he had to call M$ to activate or whatever. Of course I haven't talked to him about it in a few months but he seemed happy enough with it... and nothing has happened AFAIK.

  6. ZoSoIV

    ZoSoIV Active member

    Oct 24, 2007
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    Russ and as long as you have anydvd ripit4me should work indefinitely. a few people in here use that combo anydvd and ripit4me with very good results
  7. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I have no idea how you would do that because DVD Decrypter and AnyDVD won't work together. It pops up a message that it's not compatible, at least with the two I have now. I have and and for TDK, only worked, wouldn't! It needed DVD Shrink to rip it, along with AnyDVD. Wouldn't rip it by itself and neither would Shrink.

    I bought AnyDVD about 4 years ago, but never really used it so I never upgraded it. They refused to upgrade me because I had never upgraded, and apparently that made them suspicious of it being pirated, even though I could show the invoice for it. They all but accused me of pirating it! They said that "Invoices can be faked". I hung up on them! They are also going to a yearly fee Jan. 9. Since free upgrades have been denied to me, the hell with them!
    I had put the tree away, but since I haven't seen you so,
    Happy Holidays to You and Yours,
  8. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I have RI4M ver, DVD Decrypter ver and DVD Shrink 3.2 Final. All are supposed to be the last versions available. ZoSoIV just mentioned using AnyDVD with RI4M. I've never been able to do that. Sophocles told me a long time ago that AnyDVD and DVD DEcrypter won't work together and the two latest versions I have will not work with RI4M. You get an Error Message as soon as RI4M is started and RI4M terminates! The wierd part is neither Shrink or AnyDVD would rip TDK, but together they did just fine, once I figured out that you needed to set it for a 9 disc to keep it from compressing. Then I used DVDRB/CCE on it.

    I have no idea how M$ handles the activation process or what the criteria is, but I've had to call them twice now for new hard drives and once for a video card. There must be some sort of TellTale that kicks it out if it isn't on their Vista Certified list or something. Since I never plan to use Vista, I'm not going to worry about it.

    Happy New Year,
  9. Red_Maw

    Red_Maw Regular member

    Nov 7, 2005
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    For what it's worth I use Nero 7 all time with Vista 32-bit and haven't had a single problem yet. That's not saying I like it though, I've used both 32 and 64 bit versions and both are vastly inferior to XP pro SP3 imo.

    ^^-just in case the point hasn't been made enough yet ;)
  10. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Mine was Vista Ultimate Edition on a really nice Acer MultiMedia Laptop with an Intel C2D 1.73GHz and 2GB of memory and a CrystalBrite widescreen I sold to sytyguy. I got a message when I installed Nero 7 saying it was incompatible with my hardware and was terminating the install to prevent damage. Nero 6 installed with an error message that said that there may be a compatibility issue, Do I want to proceed. No threat of damage like 7 so I proceeded. When I went to run it for the first time, it locked up the computer and it wouldn't boot after that at all! I did manage to get it to boot up in safe mode, but it wouldn't let me uninstall Nero 6. I wound up buying a recovery disk which I restored the computer with and then sold it. Oh! It also didn't like Power DVD 7, 6 or 5! It now happily runs XP-Pro! Nicest laptop I ever owned in terms of quality and build. Slim but very rugged, and the display was magnificent.

  11. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    Russ PM me if U NEED Shrink with img burn
  12. ChrisC586

    ChrisC586 Regular member

    Oct 10, 2005
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    Russ why use shrink if you have Nero? Nero Recode is excellent.My XP 64 And Vista didn't like Nero unless I downloaded it from File Hippo and inserted my serial #.Sorry about the OT. chris
  13. Sophocles

    Sophocles Senior member

    Mar 1, 2003
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    If you have AnyDVD then RipIt4me me serves no purpose except perhaps as a memory of days gone by.

    In regards to Vista. I have two copies of Home Premium. One on my laptop and the other on a folding rig. Vista is OK but it doesn't do much that XP Pro can't do with fewer resources. Vista 32 bit is almost a dilemma in that it uses more memory than 32 bit XP and has the same 4 Gb memory limit. Once you throw in all the other items that have memory you are usually down to about a maximum of 3.25Gb (give or take a few) left for system RAM. Vista should have been a 64 bit only system because then one can add as much RAM as they can socket in their boards and it will use it, but as a 32 bit system it's lacking. On a final note, I think that it's timte to move away from 32 bit OS and move to 64 bit anyway.
  14. krj15489

    krj15489 Active member

    Jan 2, 2007
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    I just got a new Dell xps m1330 for christmas and it had vista home premium installed. I decided to give it a try for a while because pele keep saying that sp1 made everything better. The first thing i tried to do was install cs4 and office 2003. I installed both of these fine on my desktop running 64bit server 2008. But when i tried in vista i got errors and had to install in compatability with xp sp2. Then when i got it installed there were more errors and it said that I would have limited functionality.

    So i tried to resize my partition so i could install linux and the partition was all screwed up and nortotn told me it could fix an error and it screwed it up completely so now i am running only ubuntu at the moment and it is great. i am will be either install xp or the 64 bit windows 7 beta in a dual boot.
  15. bigwill68

    bigwill68 Guest

    hey Russ
    me and the boys dropping in
    planning a new board install in the antec
    Yank'in the ga-p35-ds3r & E6750< 4 sale) & Corsair 800 (out)

    (Ga-EP45-UD3P)My cost $100
    (Q6600) My cost $145

    Memory Either of these
    Kingston HyperX 4GB i was looking at the (T1)series
    G.SKILL 4GB (2 x 2GB)
    Topped off with the Big V8
    and..i'm not paying $70 for either..i wont tell my new screts
    and connections..lol

    take it easy my friend you know how to reach me..Happy New Year
    to you & Everybody..Here See Ya
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 30, 2008
  16. Red_Maw

    Red_Maw Regular member

    Nov 7, 2005
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    I guess that goes to show that vista is a buggy POS. My laptop runs Vista Ultimate 32-bit edition (in hindsight 64-bit would've been better, though I should have just payed for the the 'downgrade' to XP pro lol) with a P9500 and 4GB of RAM; it runs all the same software I use on my XP pro machine just slower and with random annoying error's/crashing. I'm hoping widows 7 will be better than XP pro so I can change all my systems to 64-bit OS.
  17. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Don't forget there's gazillion varieties of Linux out there too, and 64-bit ones too.
    I've been using 64-bit in Solaris for donkeys years :)
  18. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Why don't you "Downgrade" it yourself? If they offer XP-Pro, then there should be drivers on their site for XP since the offer it as a downgrade. It should be easy. If you don't feel confident doing it yourself, send it to me and I'll be happy to do it for you!

    As far as crashing, with XP, it's like a death in the family to me if it crashes! LOL!! Until I had my recent problem with my E6750, it almost never crashed unless I did something stupid. I've only seen one BSOD in over a year and 1/2 and I use my computer 14-17 hours a day, most days! My laptop has never crashed and it's been running XP-Pro SP3 since it was a beta. It's an old Dell C610 P3 1.2GHz that's mostly used as a DVD player and for surfing the net when I'm away from home.

    Happy Holidays,
  19. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    tell Dan Moody at microcenter i want the same deals...
    or am i excluded from the club know?
  20. Deadrum33

    Deadrum33 Active member

    Jul 23, 2005
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    So whats the current sweet spot when it comes to monitors?
    My family had a good Xmas and my wife offered to buy me a monitor while we were at a local Best Buy. I was looking at 22" and she was ready to spend $300 but I told her wait till I find something better and cheaper than at that store.
    I know most 22" resolutions are 1680x1050 and some even at full HD at 1920x1080, I may put a Blu-ray player in my rig down the road so I think I may want the full resolution. Let me know if theres big enough of a difference to make that a deal breaker.
    I have looked at Viewsonics, Sceptre, and Samsung and see quite a few deals less than $300. Help me find the best! TIA
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