Where Did All The Old Timers Go, A Public Meeting Place For Open Discussion

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by ireland, Mar 26, 2006.

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  1. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    I can't for the life of me understand why people would want to live in that. I don't have to shovel sunshine, sunshine doesn't rust my truck, sunshine doesn't make my truck slide all over the road, I can't ever recall sunshine being piled so high I couldn't leave my house, sunshine doesn't force me to wear so many layer of clothes I look like a bloated tick and so far I've managed to live a well adjusted life never having been able to build a snowman, ride a tobaggan or pull a Sonny Bono trying to ride a couple sticks down a snowy slope. God bless Phoenix :)
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2007
  2. kitty66

    kitty66 Regular member

    Dec 18, 2006
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    Oh Neph!

    You haven't lived until you've been bundled up and hurtled down a slope on a dodgy object!!!!!!!!

    An old car hood with the car's backseat bolted to it works great behind a tractor!!!!!!!!!!! And I have very fond memories of being pitched out my second story window to dig out the front door as a kid...lol...really it was fun!

    ^ ^
  3. zippyd

    zippyd Active member

    Aug 4, 2004
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    aww Neph... you have no idea how fun sledding can be. Took the kids out last weekend... granted that was only about 3-4 inches of snow but it still is a blast. Plus around here you get to hear the rednecks tell their stories about how they broke their arm, leg, etc... hitting a fence post when their cousin/brother (same difference) was driving the four wheeler and pulling them through the field on a car hood.....
    I spent six weeks in Arizona and loved it, but I do love it here more because we actually get all four seasons.

    doing fine. How about you....?
  4. kitty66

    kitty66 Regular member

    Dec 18, 2006
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    @gerry1 - Did you ever ask your sister who makes Hercules?????????? Really. I want to know.

    @you boys - Yes big boobs are a pain and those who are the bombshell type always wind up being a little jealous when looking at the high plains types.

    @zippyd - Are you an urban wonder stuck in podukaville too?!?! I am. And the car hood thing really works best behind the tractor in heavy snow! (PS - Even the hillbillys and redneck fuc#$ thought we were crazy for that stunt!)

    @ EVERYONE - Big time hunt for NDS link driver for windows. I am having hacking issues with my NDS not being recognized by window's device driver. No driver came with my ARDS. Grrrrrrr.
  5. zippyd

    zippyd Active member

    Aug 4, 2004
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    Nah, I was born and raised here. But I did spend time in the military and learned about the rest of the world. This place isn't too bad since there are major cities within an hour and a half in three different directions, but we do have plenty of good ole' boys here as well.
  6. kitty66

    kitty66 Regular member

    Dec 18, 2006
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    Wow...that's cool. It takes about 5 for me. Three if you ONLY count finding a university library. When I drive 1.5 hrs, it is to the nearest Safeway! No kidding. Couple of little stores here and there, but that's it! As the crow flies I am very close to Crater Lake OR. Do you have grid power?
  7. zippyd

    zippyd Active member

    Aug 4, 2004
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    yep we have our very own air pollutin coal power plant right here in town.... we have roughly 13,500 population for the town and the whole county adds a few hundred more...
  8. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    @Kitty...LOL I didn't think you were serious! I'll ask her next time I speak with her but that was a long time ago.
  9. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    I thought that we had left the BOOB thing along time ago. LOL. OH! this is a bunch of men and a fearless woman. ;-) Well since you guys/GAL brought it up. I know women on both sides of the BRA so to say. hehehe. I've already mentioned my step-mom having breast reduction surgery. She was 34DDD then went to 34C+, she says that there isn't any better relief than to get that weight off of your back and shoulders. And to be honest it makes her look more proportionate. :) Now on the other hand my beloved is on the opposite end of the spectrum and would love to have something more than an A. (Sorry honey if you ever read this. :X) It's so funny how women/men always think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Just appreciate what GOD gave you and if your health is threatened then do something. ;-)

    @all of the weather jealous,
    I have to confess that I'm jealous of the Phoenix and San Diego peoples. ggrrrrrr..... BUT I like having 3-4 seasons most of the time here in West Texas. NOW you crazy SOB's that live up North should go to the Psychologist/Psychiatrist as often as you can. No offense to my buddies that may live there but GEEZ it's real CRAPPY up there right now. 10-12 FEET of snow ain't livable in my book. What the HE!! do you do when that happens? Play on the puter if you have power? Oh! well just be happy where you are and happy that your living. :)

    BTW how the heck did we get to talking bout peckers. I know this is a bunch of men but let's keep the sexual talk about women, but keep it clean. LOL. I wouldn't want to offend our favorite little KITTY. ;-)

    roflmao, I did tell them NO! 2 TIMES!!

    OH HECK I almost forgot. The weather man needs his/her butt whooped at least once a week or more if your so inclined. :) A few weeks ago they were predicting 12" of snow (that's 1 foot people) and thought the end of the world was coming. They closed down schools and frightened everyone into making a run on the grocery store like Armageddon was coming. LOL We got less than 4" and about 1/8 inch of ice. I had to stay home with the kiddies (not a big deal because we had fun) and take a day off from work because of that crap. As I said beat/kick/punch/curse the weather person as much as you deem necessary. mwuaahahahahaha.....


    Almost forgot, I also hope that our friendly Sasquatch is ok. BT69 you doing alright?
  10. kitty66

    kitty66 Regular member

    Dec 18, 2006
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    @gerry1 - Of course I was serious! A largeboober that can jog! That is news I simply must know who made Hercules! AND @greensman...No go on the reduction did you know they remove your nipples in that process then sew them back on. NO THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every doc I know has offered this up and HELL NO you're not taking that off!!!

    @rikoshay - HELL NO you're not taking that off my boys either. It was my husband who wanted the circ. I told him NO WAY! I have seen it done. I have assisted with the procedure. NOT ON MY KID! It is barbaric at best.

    @zippy - HA a few hundred in our town MAX. 2-3 more people if you count the whole county! We live in the 2-3 people area...lol....

    @greensman - The day you boys leave off talking about boobs the sun will no longer come up and doomsday will be upon us! Don't worry. I have so many cabana boys and grommets around that I am well used to the "Boy" talk. I am what you call a "trooper" and won't be offended unless you are trying to offend me. Then look out 'cause I am a Scorpio after all. Born on Halloween!

    @aabbccdd - sorry your power went. This always gives me sort of a self righteous little giggle. SORRY! Can I interest you in hydropower? I hate ice storms. Snow is easy, ice...ick.

    @saugamon - WOW that's some snow pic!

    @ireland - Funny funny...I love the kitty wash! Too much.
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2007
  11. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    its cool it was only off a short time lol
  12. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    I'm not bummed out about our weather. I love the winter,just wish we got snow like we used to before the mid 80's. Cold does not bother me unless it's -20 or lower wind chill factor. When I complain about cold,then it's pretty darn cold, LOL

    That pic I posted reminded me of the Blizzard of 78" here in Ohio,just down the road from our house. By the time they got our road dug out,we would walk on top of the drifts-which were well above the telephone poles. Directly below these phone poles,was a 20 foot ditch.The opposite side of the road had huge trees,again-snow was above those trees. A huge canyon of snow. We never did think about what would happen if we fell through.

    I don't know if up state NY had any wind with that snow? Imagine a 40 mph+ wind with that 10 foot of snow they got.
  13. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    I was watching a show about plastic surgery and they didn't cut the nipples off, though they did move them upwards. They took extra care to preserve the blood vessels going to the nipple area so the nipple would survive the procedure unharmed.

    As for the little squirts (infants), Plastibell when going that route. It hurts, but I don't know of any babies remembering the experience. It hurts adults more thinking about it. As for adults, I don't think I'd advise it for an elective procedure. ;)
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2007
  14. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Funny how nobody ever mentions penis reductions................................................
  15. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    That's something I have been thinking about for a few years neph. Do you realize how much of a toll one has when you have 5 lbs of hanging meat, LOL!!!!

    I watched one of those medical shows yesterday,nothing on the tele. They gave an aussie girl a boobjob for her 18th birthday. The other half of the show was a reduction of another young girl.They took over 3.5 lbs of boobie meat out of her, LOL. She was a tiny little thing and very disproportionate for those DD melons. Imagine,DD's in junior highschool!!!!

    BTW: I have a cousin-in law in KY who just had a sex change. He is now a she!!!He/She had to go to another country to get it done cheap. The baptist church kicked him out years ago-and that's deep in the heart of the bible belt. He was always a weirdo-trekie,goth. He also lost his UAW job down there. Now she and my cousin are Sisters!!!! It pisses my mom off,but I laugh my butt off when she mentions about the freak.
  16. PacMan777

    PacMan777 Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Actually it was big news for a while. Lorena Bobbet tried it without a medical license and got in trouble. Seems there wasn't much call for the procedure. She wasn't including sex change, just removal. Wonder if she ever remarried?
  17. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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  18. ireland

    ireland Active member

    Nov 28, 2002
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    now if ye a rat its a diff.story....

    It pays to be well hung, if you're a rat

    * 26 February 2007
    * From New Scientist Print Edition. Subscribe and get 4 free issues.

    Well-hung males may enjoy an evolutionary advantage over their less well-endowed competitors - in certain rodents, anyway. The finding may help answer the vexing question of why penis size is so variable among mammals.

    Steven Ramm, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Liverpool, UK, gathered published measurements of the length of the penis bone in four orders of mammals: rodents, primates, bats and carnivores, then corrected for the fact that related species tend to have similar-sized penises. He compared these adjusted lengths with body weight and testis size, which is a good indicator of a species' promiscuity and so of the amount of competition a male will face for fertilisation.

    Rodents with relatively large testes also tended to have relatively long penises, Ramm found (The American Naturalist, vol 169, p 360). The advantage this confers on rodents is unknown, but a generously proportioned organ may deposit a male's sperm further up the female reproductive tract, giving them a head start in the race to the egg, Ramm speculates.

    A similar, but weaker pattern occurs for carnivores. However, Ramm found no evidence that the correlation exists in either bats or primates.
    From issue 2592 of New Scientist magazine, 26 February 2007, page 17
  19. Rotary

    Rotary Senior member

    Apr 10, 2003
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    hi all just checking in.
  20. gerry1

    gerry1 Guest

    Well, making a connection between conversation about snow and conversation about peckers, Neph (and indeed Kitty), will never experience the artistry or writing one's name in the snow LOL!
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