CitizenH if you get a few minutes could you please tell me step by step how you set up your box in Naas as i set up a ex1000sl for my mate in Dublin and he took it to Newbridge Co Kildare and he can only get about 60 channels on it but he can get 121 channels on his starview 3 . Hes with c----s and he has my head melted trying to get him set up over the phone so if you wouldnt mind giving me a step by step guide on how you set your one up i would be very grateful,inc symbol rates and frequencies that you scanned etc . Thanks Regards Gary
Hello, I am in the process of updating a couple of boxes at the moment 2 are Eurovox Max V 2008 boxes. There are 2 updates links available on the first page of this tutoroal. Do i neeed both or will just the second one do?
Assume you mean the ones for download from If so you want the UFL Max V Autosort, the other one referred to, 8% is only if you have a very weak signal in your area. Good luck!
Hi, I currently have a ex5000 pvr and it was working until Dec 27. The box was working with the Dublin settings 6887 + start at 290.000 end 420.000. But now it keeps on saying "please wait, code being updated..." I tried doing a factor reset and doing the install again with the settings above. The channels look to be installing and when the installation finishs , after waiting an hour the same message appears. Does anyone know if I am doing something wrong ? Any help would be much appreciated
thanks for the reply Could you direct me to the latest firmware for the EX 5000pvr and how to install it
Ok. I did all of this, realised I was using outdated firmware and clicked cancel. Now the box won't work. The lights flash once and then nothing. The firmware won't read the box either. Help me, please. Edit: Eurovox maxV
Anyone hear that mid Jan UPC are going to roll out there new encrption that they have paid millions for like Sky did many years ago. I've heard from really good sources. I reall hope this is not the end of the de boxes !!
I am in this space......they are rolling this out in Jan. I hope like you that this fails.........but from what i heard, this encryption is like what sky have
Lads will you stop scaremongering... if it happens so be it!!! we have been listening to this since last year!! we have even had reports of little green tents going up at the end of roads spying on peoples houses, Jaysus dont start again!!! LOL
Hi DesB Didnt mean to scaremonger i was only curious to know where he was talking about. Regards Gazza
Just did a Google (UPC encrytion) and there does seem to be some substance to this story. Looks like Nagra 3 is on its way to Ireland and I'm sure VM will be watching with interest. But like everything else its a matter of wait and see - we are all very aware of the variable shelf life of things like Eurovoxes, Starviews etc.
Hi im donna and new to all this, Ive been without my channels for ages now. Then someone gave me a link to here. Even though i have read alot before posting and still in te dark. I have a siver thebox pvr with 160gig h/d I have the leads to update software but not a clue what link to download can any of you nice people help me please thanks inadvance donna
Hi Donna, first of all lets identify your box, from your description it would appear to be Starview The Box PVR, and if it is this one at the link then okay, that's the one. >>>>>>>>> So you will need this Loader and firmware to flash your box and get it back up and running. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LOADER BIN FILE You will need to Download Winrar to unzip the Loader and any future .zip or .rar files you may want to download okay, it is free, so once downloaded, install it on your PC okay. >>>>>>> Winrar Now if you click on the link marked Eamo's FTA Library at the bottom of my post and look for the folder marked The Box PVR and click into that, then you will find all the Information you need to flash and set up your box, it will be in the sub folder Documentation. EDIT:- Sorry Donna, should have said it would be better if you would try to stick to a relevant thread to avoid any conflict/confusion, such as these links. >>>>>>>>>>